Passions Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on PS

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Passions Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on PS
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the week of November 5, 2001
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October 29, 2001
Following Week
November 12, 2001

Monday, November 5, 2001

Julian and Rebecca's wedding screeched to a halt when Theresa was asked to sign mysterious papers.

Theresa lied to Ethan that Harper only wanted Julian to sign papers, and both men were asking Theresa to take them to Crane Industries. Ethan wanted to see the mysterious papers, but Harper interjected that Ethan was no longer a part of Crane Industries and had no right to see the papers. Ethan agreed as Theresa begged him to run away and elope. Julian yelled that they could not elope, and Rebecca got very suspicious. She told Julian that she could not believe that he was being so caring toward Theresa's feelings. She also told Julian that she was going to count to ten, and if the wedding did not start, she was going to blow a hole through him big enough to drive a truck through.

Ivy crawled down the staircase, determined to find Ethan and tell him the truth about Theresa and her marriage to Julian. Theresa was desperately trying to get Ethan to agree to elope and leave before he could talk to Ivy.

"Diana" was worried about her new hotel neighbor, unaware that it was Luis. She wanted him to join her, Brian, and Liz for dinner. She felt that they had a lot in common, since they'd both lost their true loves. Luis refused to accept the invitation when Liz let it slip that "Diana" and Brian were just starting out in their relationship.

David eavesdropped on Sam and Grace again as he used his long-lens telescope to keep tabs on what was going on. He was glad to hear that Grace was considering going out to dinner with him so she could find out about her past. His manipulation of Grace caused more problems in her marriage. Grace talked things over with Eve as Sam talked to T.C.

"Diana" walked on the beach to find her hotel neighbor and talk with him, since they both seemed to have lost love in common. Luis sensed Sheridan's presence, and "Diana" felt something as they were both only a few yards away from each other.

At the Crane mansion, as Theresa was begging Ethan to leave the house without talking to his mother, the maid saw Ivy and screamed, "Mrs. Crane is dead!" Everyone rushed and found a passed-out Ivy at the bottom of the Crane staircase. Rebecca was sure Ivy was pulling a stunt to stop the wedding. Julian silently thanked God and Ivy for the interruption.

Tuesday, November 6, 2001

Grace chose to go away with Sam on their weekend instead of going to dinner with David. She told everyone that Sam was the most important thing in her life. She said that Sam was her future, and she could live a little longer without knowing her past. Grace reminded David that she would be in touch with him over the annulment, and perhaps they could discuss her past then. David left upset that his plan to manipulate Grace had not worked. He went back to the bed and breakfast and continued to eavesdrop on Grace and Sam, looking for another way to stop their trip.

Luis and "Diana" missed each other again as they walked the beach. Brian ran up to "Diana," and she told him that she thought that her true love was nearby. Brian reminded "Diana" that she had just had a memory flash of him, and that was why she'd felt that he was so close. Liz was having a party at the hotel. There were many couples dancing, and they reminded Luis of his time with Sheridan. Brian and "Diana" began to dance.

A tango started to play, and "Diana" had more memory flashes of Luis. Luis thought he caught a glimpse of Sheridan in the mirror. As he turned, he saw that it was not Sheridan, and once again, he went to his room. Both Luis and "Diana" were side by side on their balconies, and even though they did not know the other one was there, they could feel each other's presence.

Julian told Theresa to pretend to take Ivy's pulse so she could pry the fax of their marriage license out of her hand. Out of desperation, she tried, only to have Gwen ask why she was trying to open Ivy's hand. Gwen called for the paramedics after Pilar arrived on the scene and told everyone she had been trying to get in touch with Eve. Pilar stated that Ivy had fallen ill in her room. She did not spill the truth that Theresa had wrecked Ivy's wheelchair, and that was why Ivy had crawled down the stairs.

Ethan rode to the hospital in the ambulance with his mother. Pilar insisted to Theresa that she be there for Ethan and go to the hospital. Pilar made a desperate call to Sam as he and Grace were on their way to the train station. She told Sam that Ivy was very ill, but she was more worried about Ethan.

Pilar begged Sam to go to the hospital, stating that Ethan's life was going to change that night. She told Sam that he had to be there to steer Ethan in the right direction. Grace told Sam to go to the hospital then meet her at the train station. David, eavesdropping, took that opportunity to drop in on Grace as she was about to leave. He made a remark to try to get Grace to feel insecure about Sam and Ivy.

Tabitha and Rabbi Timmy raided the buffet table at the wedding. One of the guests asked Tabitha what was wrong with Ivy. Tabitha lied and insinuated that Ivy had some terribly contagious disease. All the wedding guests made a mass exodus from the Crane mansion. As they left, Rebecca told Julian to find the rabbi as she stroked the pistol she had hidden in her bouquet.

Julian looked out the window and saw Rabbi Timmy lose his disguise. Julian announced to Rebecca, Gwen, and Harper that the Rabbi was really Tabitha's little doll, and he insisted that the driver was Tabitha. No one believed him, and Rebecca told him to stop acting insane as a way to try to get out of marrying her.

Alone in her room with Gwen, Rebecca threw her shoes and flowers at the wall. She told Gwen that the key was finding out what was going on between Theresa and Julian. She was also sure that the answer to the question was at the hospital with Ivy. Ivy called to Ethan from her hospital bed. Ethan could not figure out why she kept saying Theresa and Julian's names over and over. She was still clutching the fax in her hand.

Wednesday, November 7, 2001

Reese ran into Timmy and Tabitha in their disguises and once again claimed that Tabitha was a witch and Timmy was alive. Tabitha explained that they were dressed for a costume party. She excused herself, and she and Timmy went to the woods, where Tabitha prepared a spell. The spell planted the book "Spells of Pain" where she could find it. Kay found the book was calling to her after Charity had a premonition that Grace would leave the house forever with David.

Theresa tried to get the fax out of Ivy's hand but was interrupted by Ethan as she insisted they get married immediately. Sam went to Ivy's side, and Ethan was so glad to see him that he called Sam "Dad." Eve assured everyone that Ivy would make a full recovery. Sam was still puzzled by Pilar's attitude as she begged him not to go on his trip but to stay for Ethan. All she told Sam was that if he left then, he would probably get a call later to arrest Ethan for murder.

Alistair called Julian, furious about his marriage to Theresa. Alistair ordered Julian to get an annulment immediately and marry Rebecca, or there would be grave consequences. He also told Julian to shut Ivy up. He said that she was a "bitch" who had been a thorn in their side long enough. He told Julian to do whatever it took. At the hospital, Julian cornered Theresa to sign the annulment papers. She refused until Julian got the fax from Ivy and thought up a way to keep her from talking. Julian looked menacingly at his lighter and Ivy's oxygen tank.

Thursday, November 8, 2001

While at the hospital, Julian received a call from Alistair demanding that Julian get himself out of the mess he was in. Alistair said to get rid of Ivy. Then he said, "better yet," get rid of all three problems: Ivy, Theresa, and Rebecca. Julian tried to get Theresa to take his lighter into Ivy's room to cause an explosion that would get rid of both of them. He told Theresa that Ivy would never willingly let go of the fax of their marriage license. He coaxed her to burn Ivy's hand a little so she would drop the fax. Theresa was appalled at the idea and walked away from Julian.

Theresa went to Ethan. Ethan was sure that Theresa had reconciled with his mother, and as soon as Ivy woke up, she would bless their union. As Ethan was talking, Theresa was reliving the horrible fight that she and Ivy had had, where she'd disabled Ivy's wheelchair.

Pilar begged Sam not to leave Ethan and warned Sam that if he left, he would probably get a phone call that Ethan had committed murder. Sam demanded more information from Pilar. Pilar remained vague, so Sam went to talk to Ethan. Ethan assured Sam that he had no plans to kill anyone. He told Sam he had no real problems with anyone except Julian. As Sam walked away, Ethan said to himself that nothing would get him to commit murder unless someone hurt Theresa.

Meanwhile, Grace was still at the train station, waiting for Sam, as David kept fueling her insecurities over her marriage. Grace relived some of the times she'd seen Sam and Ivy together.

Charity warned everyone that there was an evil book in the house, and they had to stay away from it or be destroyed. Then Miguel, Charity, Reese, and Simone made a pact to root out evil in Harmony and destroy it. Reese insisted that Tabitha was the root of all the evil. Miguel told Reese that he was nuts. Charity got a premonition that there was a monster coming out of the evil book. As she said that, Kay, while reading the evil book, accidentally turned herself into a black panther.

A frightened Kay ran out of the house. The others decided to follow the cat and capture it. Tabitha wanted to find Kay first. She was sure that Reese and the others would catch on that she was a witch if they discovered the cat was really Kay. As panther Kay was on the loose, a real black panther from the Harmony Zoo escaped.

Rebecca demanded that Julian fly off with her to Las Vegas in order to get married. She threatened to kill him if he refused. Julian made a last-ditch effort to get Theresa to go into Ivy's room with his lighter. Theresa reluctantly agreed.

Friday, November 9, 2001

Theresa was in Ivy's treatment bay at the hospital, trying to reason with her, even though Ivy remained in an unconscious state. Theresa desperately tried to get Ivy to unhand the fax by assuring her once again that she really loved Ethan and would not hurt him for the world. As she was about to light Julian's lighter to get Ivy to drop the fax, Sam walked in.

Sam wanted assurance from Theresa that she would stand by Ethan if he needed her. Theresa told Sam that she loved Ethan with all her heart and would do anything for him. Feeling better about Ethan, Sam left for the train station with the lights on his squad car flashing. He was late and knew that Grace was worrying about him. David was still at Grace's side, trying to get her to doubt Sam's love.

Luis and "Diana" both decided to take a late-night swim. Neither one knew that the other was there, but both felt the presence of their true love. "Diana" got a cramp then called for help. Luis heard her and tried to find who was calling out.

Julian, being greedy, devised a plan to be free of not only Ivy and Theresa but Rebecca, as well. When Rebecca demanded that Julian take off with her immediately for a quickie wedding in Las Vegas, Julian dropped a bombshell. He admitted to Rebecca that he was stalling because he was already married to Theresa. Rebecca went crazy and began to hit Julian. Then she pulled out her pistol, aimed at "Little Julian," and told Julian that he would never two-time another woman again.

Julian painted Theresa as a scheming gold digger. He got Rebecca so furious that she decided to go after Theresa. Julian was delighted and told Harper they'd better leave because Theresa was about to unknowingly get rid of all three of Julian's problems. As Ethan was heading toward his mother's treatment bay, Rebecca entered, and there was an explosion.

Everyone was still running after "Panther Kay." The men from the zoo were on her trail, and they ran into Miguel and the others. Charity claimed that the panther was pure evil. The men from the zoo asked the kids what they had been smoking. They said that it was an escaped panther, and it was their problem. They told them that it was dangerous, and it was going to be put down. Meanwhile, Tabitha and Timmy had the vicious zoo panther cornered and were trying to leash it.

Recaps for the week of November 12, 2001 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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