One Life to Live Recaps: The week of August 14, 2006 on OLTL

Rex realized that Dorian had been responsible for hiring Adriana's stalker. Bruce demanded a ransom for Adriana's safe return. Starr revealed that she had been faking her memory loss. John, Blair, and Natalie grew closer to the truth of Thomas McBain's murder. Spencer proposed marriage to Blair. Nash visited Brennan and sensed that something was wrong with Jessica.
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One Life to Live Recaps: The week of August 14, 2006 on OLTL
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the week of August 14, 2006
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August 21, 2006

Monday, August 14, 2006

Nash stopped by for his planned visit with Brennan. A distracted Jessica gave Nash grief at first but then backed off when he reminded her that he'd planned the visit in advance. He played with Brennan for a minute before sensing that something was not right with Jessica. When Nash inquired as to what was wrong, Jessica revealed that she was starting to have memories about her time with Leeds after reading Tess's journal. Jessica believed that she might not be strong enough to deal with what was happening, but Nash told her that she was already dealing with it, which made her stronger than she thought.

When Nash suggested that Jessica let Tess take over to deal with things, Jessica became angry and threw Nash out, accusing him of trying to lure Tess out. Nash left but then returned telling Jessica that he was taking her to where she could get some help. Before they left, Nash called Antonio and told him to meet them at the hospital, where Nash had arranged for Jessica to speak with Dr. Jamison. Claudia tried to give Nash a shoulder to lean on, but Nash politely sent her away.

Antonio went to Bo, and after discussing the incident at the club where he'd saved Claudia, he talked to Bo about getting his badge back. Antonio explained to Bo that although there was nothing he could do to help Jessica, since it was too late, he felt that he could help other children from being exploited by sexual predators. Bo reminded Antonio that the police force did not have a revolving door. Antonio acknowledged that he'd made a mistake by leaving the force in the first place, but he was ready to get his badge back and get back into doing what he loved.

Bo gave Antonio his badge back and welcomed him back to the police department. As he was leaving Bo's office, Antonio received a call from Nash, asking him to meet Nash and Jessica at the hospital. Antonio arrived and escorted Jessica to her appointment with Dr. Jamison as Nash looked on.

Adriana awoke and found herself tied up in her abductor's car. She began to remember running away from Rex then getting a ride from a stranger who had revealed to her right before she'd passed out that it was he and not Rex who had been stalking her. Adriana began to panic and tried to escape, but her abductor thwarted her attempt. Adriana kicked Bruce, which only succeeded in making him mad. He pulled her out of the backseat and put her in the passenger seat before making a call and leaving a message for the person on the other end for them to get back to him as soon as possible.

Rex found Dorian and demanded to know where Adriana was. Dorian asked Rex why she should tell him anything, since Adriana had run away from him for a reason. Rex admitted that through a misunderstanding, Adriana believed him to be the stalker and that was why she had run from him. When Dorian seemed unfazed with Adriana's disappearance, Rex became suspicious. He accused Dorian of setting him up and making Adriana believe that she had a stalker to keep her away from Rex.

Dorian admitted to nothing, but Rex already knew the deal and reminded Dorian that Adriana was out there with no cell phone, money, or anything and could seriously be in trouble. Dorian ordered Rex to leave her office and to leave Adriana's well-being to her. After Rex departed, Dorian called Bruce back. He told her that the deal had changed before he hung up on her. Adriana asked Bruce who he'd been talking to, and he told her that she would find out soon.

Todd and Blair discussed Starr's condition in the hospital corridor and wondered whether or not they could pretend that they were still engaged for Starr's sake. Todd didn't believe that he could pretend to still be in love with Blair just as he didn't believe that Blair could convince Starr that she was still in love with Todd with Spencer lurking around. Blair told Todd that due to Starr's condition, she couldn't be upset, and she would do whatever it took to help her recover. They both agreed that for the time being until they had the test results back, they would pretend to still be in love. When Blair made a comment about the kiss that she and Todd had just shared, Spencer walked up as if on cue.

While Todd accompanied Starr to her CT scan, Spencer asked Blair to be straight with him and tell him if she was planning on leaving him for Todd. Blair did her best to convince Spencer that she loved him and was only pretending to be in love with Todd because of Starr's condition. She finally managed to convince Spencer that she loved him, only to have Todd and Starr return while Spencer was caressing her hair. Todd took Blair back into the hallway and blasted her for her display of affection with Spencer after having just said that she would keep up the charade with Todd. He accused her of being thoughtless and selfish. With her parents in the hall arguing, Starr revealed to her friend that she was faking her amnesia.

John was worried that the picture that Blair had taken of a younger Spencer with the gun that might have killed his father would not be enough evidence to get a search warrant for Spencer's place. John believed that Spencer had hidden the gun in a safe deposit box that he had gotten in his father's name. While discussing with John whether or not the picture Blair had taken of Spencer and his father with the gun was enough to get a search warrant, Natalie revealed that she was on the verge of flunking out of the forensics program. She told John that she hadn't done so well on her exams because she didn't understand some of the material.

John tried to help Natalie by going over some of the material with her. He asked her why she hadn't told him what was going on. Natalie told John that she'd wanted to handle the situation on her own. When the call arrived that a search warrant would not be issued, Natalie tried to convince John that Blair was the only one who could get the key to the deposit box and that even though it was dangerous, he should ask her, since Blair was determined to take Spencer down with or without police help.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Marcie was afraid that Michael would not be happy when he found out that she'd snapped pictures of Tommy's foster parents at the bar with him, drinking beer, and sent them to Child Protective Services to have Tommy's foster parents investigated. Lindsay didn't think that Michael would be upset under the circumstances and agreed to lend Marcie support when she told Michael the truth. Michael showed up, and Marcie hesitantly showed him the pictures she had taken and told him that she'd turned the foster parents in. Michael was mortified and agreed with the action Marcie had taken.

Marcie received a call from Ms. Dixon at CPS, who informed Marcie that Tommy would be removed from the home he was in. A grateful Marcie worried about the suitability of the next set of foster parents Tommy would be placed with. Michael assured Marcie that Tommy's next set of foster parents would be the best parents he could ever have, since he had decided that they should be Tommy's foster parents.

Nora and R.J. were out in Angel Square, working on Nora's therapy. When R.J. made a comment about their friendship, Nora asked him how things were going with Lindsay. R.J. confessed that Lindsay had been a little cool since he and Nora had shared that kiss at the hospital. Nora reminded him that they'd both agreed that it had just been a friendly kiss and then wondered how Lindsay would even know that they'd shared a kiss. R.J. agreed then helped Nora take a few steps in the square.

When Nora stumbled and fell into R.J.'s arms, Lindsay walked up and accused Nora of going after every man that she had been interested in -- Sam, Bo, and Troy, to name a few. Nora insisted that she and R.J. were only friends, but Lindsay was appalled, especially since that almost-kiss had been in public, as opposed to the one they'd shared at the hospital. Nora asked R.J. to take her home, however, Lindsay insisted on escorting Nora home herself. Lindsay asked R.J. to at least give her the dignity of the telling her that he was on the verge of ending their relationship before she wildly wheeled Nora off.

Rex went to Natalie with his suspicions that Dorian had set him up and made him look like the stalker in front of Adriana, which had caused her to clock him over the head with a lamp and take off. Natalie didn't buy it, but Rex was convinced that Mommie Dearest was capable of everything he was accusing her of, and Adriana could be in real trouble because of it. Natalie didn't believe that Adriana could think Rex capable of stalking her and asked Rex what proof she'd had that had convinced her that the man who had done everything possible was not worthy of her trust.

Rex told Natalie about the emails that Adriana had discovered and how she'd caught him talking to the hooded guy. Natalie felt that Adriana apparently hadn't needed much to turn on Rex, but Rex tried to convince Natalie that fear had pushed Adriana to do what she had, and Natalie would have thought the same thing if she were in that situation. Natalie told Rex that there was no way she would ever believe that John would stalk her, no matter what the evidence said, and that Adriana's lack of faith in Rex should give him cause to be concerned. An exasperated Rex left the station to find Adriana on his own. Once alone, he thought about the time Adriana had told him that she trusted him and was convinced that Natalie was wrong.

Right outside of Starr's room, John asked Blair to help him find the key to the safe deposit box that Spencer had in his father's name. Blair refused to help him, since Starr was in the hospital and still having tests run. She wondered why John even believed that Spencer still had the incriminating gun. John felt that since his father had given him the gun, it would have sentimental value to Spencer. Blair agreed to help John after Starr got the all clear from her doctors.

Meanwhile, Starr was in her room, telling Langston how she was faking her amnesia as a scheme to get her parents back together. Unfortunately, Spencer walked in and asked to speak with Starr alone. He asked her how she was doing then told her that the tests showed that she was all right. He warned her that he was going to do everything possible to get to the bottom of her mysterious illness. When Blair reentered the room, Starr asked her to keep Spencer away from her. Todd also returned, and Starr questioned when they would be able to go home to the penthouse as a family.

Bo enlisted Renee's help with returning the photo Blair had taken from Spencer's desk drawer. She agreed to return the photo where it belonged but told Bo that he needed to stay in the hall, since he was not authorized to be in Spencer's apartment. While Bo was waiting for Renee outside, Spencer walked up and wondered what the newly reinstated police commissioner was doing outside his room.

Renee walked out and covered by saying that Spencer's faucet had sprung a leak and that she'd had to check it out. She instructed Bo that she could not let him into Spencer's penthouse. Spencer was suspicious and wondered out loud about the leak when Renee and Bo tried to leave. The maintenance man walked out of Spencer's apartment with a mop and bucket, informing them that everything had been taken care of. Renee and Bo took their leave.

Nash ran into Todd at the hospital and asked him why he was there. Todd shared with him what had happened to Starr, and Nash revealed he had taken Jessica there to see Dr. Jamison, but Antonio was there with her. Nash tried to compare himself to Todd while trying to convince Todd that he was concerned about Jessica. Todd told Nash that he would help Jessica just as Antonio walked in with Jessica. Antonio informed Todd that Jessica didn't need his help, since Antonio was looking out for her.

Antonio went on to get into an argument with Nash when he asked how Jessica's session with Dr. Jamison had gone. Jessica sent Nash away and told Antonio that she was tired of his fighting with Nash and that it didn't help the situation. Antonio apologized and agreed to try harder to avoid confrontations with Nash. He also told her that he'd talked with Bo about getting his badge back so he could get back to doing what he loved. Jessica told him that she would not stand in his way, and if it made him happy, then he should do it.

Bruce made it clear to Adriana that he was not happy with her attempts to get away from him. After drugging her again, he made a call to Dorian, who wondered why he'd hung up on her that last time they'd spoken. Bruce told her that it had to have been a bad connection and went over with her all the things he had done to make it look like Rex had been stalking Adriana. Dorian wondered where Adriana had disappeared to, but Bruce told her that it was not his problem. He then went on to tell Dorian that if she did not provide him with some money, then he would reveal to everyone that she had been behind Adriana's stalking.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jessica was bummed over Antonio wanting to return to the police force, but she wanted him to be happy. Having a poor night's sleep due to the baby being up made her grumpier, as well as not wanting to be tied down in the apartment any longer. When Nash arrived to visit the baby, she agreed to accompany them to the park. He tried to pin her unhappiness on Antonio, but she wouldn't hear of it. She was afraid of raising the baby alone if something happened to Antonio, she told him. That would never happen, he reassured her.

Jessica said she'd like to learn about Tess, which startled Nash. She wouldn't turn into her, Jessica insisted, but she'd started to have Tess's memories. Jessica's confessions were important to Nash, and he advised her that he'd like to remain in town for the baby.

Todd got Evangeline home from the hospital, and they were surprised when Layla greeted them, followed by Vincent, who walked out of the bedroom behind her. Evangeline expressed her extreme annoyance, though they denied having slept together. Vincent had been helping with computer problems. Evangeline found it difficult to believe it was something he'd learned in college, though Todd assured her it was true. Furthermore, he suggested she not be annoyed or miserable any longer, after going through what she had. She would only push Layla away. He asked her to attend the hospital bash with him, and he even has two extra tickets, for Layla and Vincent.

Todd knew Evangeline was seeing Cristian, and though she wanted to surprise him with her arrival home, she agreed to go. She thought he wanted to go with her to impress Blair and Spencer. He told her to wear something sexy. He also mentioned that Vincent might not be so bad, considering that Cristian had even killed a man, and Todd himself was evil. She apologized to the pair. Todd mentioned that he had once lived in Atlantic City as Walker Flynn and asked Vincent to help him with getting information on Spencer. The speculator, as he called himself, was reluctant, but since Todd had smoothed things over with Evangeline, he agreed that he owed Todd one.

Kelly was arrested but found out it was bogus; Hugh had ordered it because he knew she was planning on leaving town. She was angry, as she'd had the momentum going and had actually been on the way to the airport. Antonio, in Bo's office, working on his return to the force, inquired about the opening in vice. He wanted to hunt down more of the child pornographers around and had a lead on Norman Leeds's previous address.

Though Bo warned Antonio that he couldn't use the job for a personal vendetta, he did some research and learned of other sex offenders living in close proximity to that address. Antonio wanted to do some unofficial digging; Bo emphasized that he wanted things done by the book. He wanted to protect his daughters and Jessica and recover any tapes that might still be around.

Hearing Kelly and Hugh arguing, Antonio offered to talk to Kelly when Hugh was unable to convince her to stay in Llanview. She explained her feelings and how everyone would know and talk about her and the baby. He told her that because people did things they regretted at times, it didn't make them bad. He offered his help in the future. She appreciated it but acknowledged that she had to leave. When Kevin showed up and wondered what was going on, she informed him of her imminent departure. He also tried to get her to stay, to no avail. Leaving the police station, Antonio spotted Jessica and Nash fawning over baby Bree.

Spencer purchased an engagement ring for Blair.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Todd arrived early at Evangeline's to take her to the gala. Evangeline was still in her robe. A moment later, Cristian showed up at her door and told Evangeline he wanted to take her to the gala. Evangeline said she would go with both men. Todd walked off to take a phone call from Starr, and Cristian expressed dismay at having to spend time with Todd.

Evangeline said Todd would always be her friend. "He wants more than friendship, Evangeline," Cristian said. Evangeline said that no matter what, Todd was still in love with Blair and that he only wanted to take her to the gala to make Blair jealous. She also reminded Cristian that Todd was quite aware of the fact that she had a boyfriend and alluded to her and Cristian having some romantic fun after the gala.

Antonio walked up to Nash and Jessica and told Jessica that his cop duties would be working on busting up the local child porn rings. "Anyone who uses kids that way should pay the price," Antonio said. He took a call and said he had to leave. Nash told Jessica he was not getting rid of the vineyard but that he also wanted to stay in Llanview, close to his daughter. When Jessica went to get the car, Nash told Brennan not to worry because Tess would be back.

Antonio questioned some old guy about a past association he'd had delivering envelopes for Norman Leeds. He got a bunch of names of people to whom he would deliver the packages. The guy said the envelopes had contained videotapes labeled with girls' names, like "Rose, Donna, Tess."

John gave Blair a photo of the safe deposit box key and wished her luck finding it in Spencer's suite. He told her, however, that because it was an illegal search, even if they did uncover the gun, it wouldn't be admissible in court. Blair went up to the suite, but Spencer was already inside. He went in for a little sugar, and Blair pushed him off. Spencer asked why she was so on edge, but Blair changed the subject.

Spencer promised a very special surprise for Blair at the gala. He went to fix his tie in the bathroom, and Blair spotted Spencer's key ring. He returned before she could grab it. She made up several more excuses to get Spencer to leave her alone, and finally she had enough time to remove the key from the ring. As they were leaving for the gala, Spencer left Blair in the hall and went back into the suite to make a quick call to his bank to see if he could drop by right away and pick something up from his safe deposit box.

John asked Natalie to join him at the gala so they could get Spencer's key from Blair. Natalie went to talk to Renee about the seating arrangements for the event and asked about the exits. John dropped in, and Natalie set up a plan for Blair to get her the key and for them to sneak away with it without anyone noticing.

Bo questioned Dorian while Rex hurled accusations at her. Dorian said she honestly had no idea where Adriana was. She told Bo that Adriana was probably just cooling off because she was so angry "about Rex's betrayal." Clint walked into Bo's office in time to hear Rex accusing Dorian of shooting him up with heroin the last time she'd tried to break up him and Adriana. Clint told Dorian if what Rex said was true, he'd never be able to look her in the eye. Later, a scared Dorian told herself that what she'd done was not responsible for what had happened to Adriana.

Friday, August 18, 2006

At the police station, Roxy stopped by to see Rex. He shared that they still hadn't found Adriana and that he thought Dorian knew where her daughter was. Rex reminded his mom of the lengths Dorian had gone to in order to break him and Adriana up. He showed his mom some of the stalker's messages, where he'd called someone "painted lady." Rex concluded that the stalker was a butterfly expert.

A worried Dorian thought about Bruce. Bruce told his hostage, Adriana, that she'd soon know what he wanted from her and that she'd be going home soon if all went according to his plans. He wouldn't say what those were but didn't hesitate to chain her up. Adriana screamed for help and regretted thinking Rex had been her stalker. She thought back to their happy romp on the beach.

Dorian told Bruce that he could tell Adriana about their agreement because Adriana would believe her over him. Bruce revealed that he'd kidnapped her daughter and warned her not to call the cops. Later, Bruce rejoined his hostage. Adriana was confident that Rex would find her.

At the gala, Clint asked Viki what his ex thought of him. They agreed that they worked well together as parents. He promised that no matter what happened with him and Dorian, his and Viki's kids would be his priority. Viki asked if he thought she wanted to be with him.

Also at the gala, Claudia complimented Renee's setup of the Palace dining room, as Nash looked on. Nash informed her that he was looking for a new business opportunity in town. Claudia offered to invest in it, but he wasn't so sure. John and Natalie wondered how Blair was doing with Spencer. Natalie worried that Spencer was onto John.

Todd told Evangeline that he was not in love with Blair anymore. Evangeline didn't really believe it. Cristian then arrived and told her that he didn't care who she had arrived with because she was going home with him. Vincent reminded him not to drink and to go to bed early so he'd be ready for his fight. When the guys went off to talk, Evangeline expressed her concern for Layla and Vincent's relationship.

David was surprised to see Paige there. She revealed that she'd interviewed for a new job. Both planned for Spencer's downfall. After, David jokingly tried to flirt with Viki, but she wouldn't play along.

Todd told Viki that he couldn't forgive Blair. Viki urged him to be happy he had gotten his life back and reminded him that he'd lied to Blair. She also stated that Starr had gotten hurt because the teen was upset over her parents' problems and had acted out. Viki then shared how grateful she'd been that Ben had forgiven her for pushing him out the window.

En route to the gala, Blair tried to get Spencer's safe deposit box key, but Spencer wanted to stop at a bank to get something from his box. Blair tried to get out of going to the event, but Spencer told her she had to because he had something "special" planned for her. Later, at the gala, Spencer proposed to Blair in front of everyone.

Recaps for the week of August 21, 2006 (Following Week)


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