Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on DAYS

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Days of our Lives Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on DAYS
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the week of September 15, 1997
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Monday, September 15, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

The show opens with Carrie and Austin waking up in their honeymoon suite. She tells him she had the greatest dream that they got married and he tells her it is no's true and they kiss. They rehash the events of the preceding day and talk about all of Sami's scheming . They discuss their future and Austin suggests that they go away for a real honeymoon and tells her that Eric is helping him with the arrangements. Austin calls Eric to check on everything and Eric tells them to come by DiMansion to pick up the tickets and he and Marlena have something important to tell them

At DiMansion, it looks like the Brady family has set up house while Kristen is away. Marlena and Eric discuss the John/Stefano situation. Marlena tells Eric that she feels it is all just another DiMera trick. Roman wakes up calling for them Marlena and Eric discuss whether they should tell Roman the truth (that Stefano is free) and they discuss whether there is really a cure. Marlena doubts it, but prays that it is true. Roman overhears part of their conversation and wants to know what they were talking about, but they cover and tell him nothing. Marlena goes to get Roman's breakfast as Eric goes to check on the arrangements for the trip. Roman turns on the radio and hears the newscast about Stefano's escape and the suspicion that John has helped him and goes ballistic. Marlena and Eric rush in and they confirm the news. As Roman is ranting and raving he launches into a coughing fit and Marlena is trying to help. They explain to Carrie and Austin but they can't believe that John is in on this scheme. Marlena wants Roman to calm down, so Eric, Carrie & Austin all leave the room. In the hallway, Eric explains to Carrie and Austin as Marlena continues to try to help Roman. When they come back, Carrie and Austin tell Roman that they are changing their plans and not leaving, but he convinces them to go. They say their good-byes and leave for their trip. After they leave, Roman & Marlena talk and Roman feels helpless. Marlena tries to convince Roman that he WILL get better and he asks her where will she fit into his life if he lives. Startled, she says she will always be a part of his life...they have a family together. He asks her to remember their life together...all the good times...and that he was a fool to ever walk out on her. He tells her that he could die a happy man knowing that she loved him. He pulls her down and kisses her right on the lips. She tells him to rest, they will talk later. She leaves the room and in the hallway, Eric walks up. As she cries, she tells him that right now she feels unable to help either John OR Roman and Eric comforts her. Later, Carrie & Austin are on the plane and the pilot announces they will be taking off soon for....TADA!!!...Rome. Carrie is excited because they will get to see Bo & Billie.

In Rome, Curtis is urging Billie to leave the room and go get a fix. He tries to convince Billie that Bo has abandoned her but she insists that he WILL return. Curtis continues to belittle and berate her and says you can dress up garbage any way you want...but underneath, it is still just garbage. He tells her that she is good for nothing. She is beginning to crack HE tells her to quit whining and just get up and walk out the door...nirvana's right around the corner! Billie finally gives in and heads toward the door and heads out. She says Curtis is right...Bo HAS indeed deserted her.

Out on the street, Bo runs into the cop/fashion model Petra. He tells her about Billie and she tells him to be careful, because the drug laws in Rome are so strict, if Billie is caught, she could get hard time. Bo tells her about Billie being forced into using and Petra issues an arrest warrant for Dino. Later they get a call that the cops have him cornered and they rush off. In an alleyway, they get into a shoot-out with Dino and he goes down. Bo grabs him by the collar and shakes him around a while, then turns him over to the cops. Dino tells Bo that Billies is nothing but a junkie as the cops drag him off. Bo tells Petra that Billie is safe we see her wandering the streets. She decides to pay Dino a visit for another fix as she sees the cops dragging him by. She lies down on a bench and launches into a string of flashbacks concerning how Bo loves Hope...NOT her.

Steph, Kristen, John & Hope all wake up on the plane. They are descending and John demands Stefano to tell him just where they are. John questions him and Steph assures him that there IS a cure. As they prepare to land, John tells Hope as soon as they land, the plane is heading back to Salem...with HER on it (but she insists on staying...finally she tells him "whatever you say..." but we know better!) The next we see of the Salem Safari, they are arriving at a rundown shack and have picked up 2 new members to their merry little group. Steph pulls the 2 aside and whispers something and they leave. Kristen comments "You have connections EVERYWHERE, don't you?" John demands to know where the cure is and Stefano tells him that HE is in charge now. John pulls his gun and says is Steph is lying, then he has a CURE for that too! John says he is going back to the plane tell Hope she strolls in and says "Why, are you going somewhere?" She refuses to leave. Kristen & Hope get into it as K brings up the B&B situation and tells her to stay out her business. Kristen tells her to just go back home and "marry her pretty boyfriend." They hear the plane revving up and Hope tells them they are stuck with her. John tries to call the pilot, but Hope tells him not to bother, the pilot will not answer. Steph tries the radio, but Hope has the batteries (Now, HOW and WHEN did she do that?) Funny, Kristen asks her the same question! Hope says face it, she isn't going anywhere. Steph seems to be agitated by all this. Later, Kristen comes on to John and tries to convince him that she is helping only to help Roman, but he will have NONE of it and turns her down flatly. Hope and Stefano argue and she tells him that she knows why he wants her out of there...because of the secret she learned at Maison Blanche...and he tells her she is making a BIG mistake. Later, we see John and Hope. She tries to convince John that she is experienced enough to help him. He finally agrees to let her help him, BUT for her to be careful, stay out of trouble and follow his lead. After he walks off, Hope thinks to herself "Bo had to learn the hard way, guess you will too John...I NEVER do what I'm told" and smiles. As they arrive back at the hut, Stefano and Kristen have also changed clothes They urge John and Hope to sit down and eat something but John refuses and tells Stefano to quit stalling. As they argue over who is in charge, Kristen informs them that Hope has disappeared. When John goes to look for her, Steph assures Kristen that everything is under control. Hope is snooping around in a room . John finds her and they argue about her listening to him. Then they hear a SLAM...(guess it really IS a cell after all!) as they realize they are trapped.....

Tuesday, September 16, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Bo returns to the hotel room with some groceries only to find that Billie is gone. Bo fears she has gone looking for a fix and runs out of the room. Billie is on a bench somewhere and is dreaming about how much Bo loves Hope.

Carrie and Austin's plane is about to land in Rome and Austin says Bo and Billie are going to be surprised to see them. Carrie is still worrying about her dad, and John. Austin tells her that miracles can happen, they're living proof.

Austin and Carrie are walking around Rome, unfortunately Bo and Billie weren't in their hotel room. Austin says he can't wait to see his sister, he's so glad that she's finally happy. Carrie and Austin decide to go back to the hotel when Bo spots them and wonders what they are doing here. Austin and Carrie find the Club Fortuna and Carrie thinks it sounds like a fun place, but Austin rather go back to the hotel. Meanwhile Bo is still looking for Billie and gets side tracked when he sees a women who looks like Hope.

Austin and Carrie return to their room and crack open some champagne. Carrie wants to call Bo and Billie again, but Austin side tracks her with a kiss, and they soon end up in bed.

At the DiMera mansion Marlena is wishing John would call and Eric tells her John will be okay. Marlena tells Eric she's so glad he's here, but that they can't let Roman know John released Stefano. Sami shows up to see her dad but Marlena says he is resting. Sami and Eric go downstairs when Roman calls for Marlena. Roman is worried about John, he heard reports on the radio that John released Stefano because of Kristen. Marlena tells him everything he's hearing are lies, John is going to track Stefano down and bring him back to jail. Roman asks Marlena what is wrong, and she says she fears nobody will ever see John again. Roman looks at her and asks if she still loves him. Marlena says John is a very special man, and Roman agrees. He tells her that it's okay, he loves him too, he owes John a lot. Roman doesn't blame John for anything, it was all Stefano's fault. Roman says that is why John must bring Stefano back and lock him up for good. Marlena gives Roman a kiss on the head and then leaves. Outside the room Marlena says that Roman and John are the two men she's loved most in her life, and now she may lose them both.

Downstairs Eric and Sami argue. Sami doesn't think she did anything wrong, and brings up the fact that John and their mom lied and hurt everyone, and are still lying to their father. Eric tells Sami that Kristen is the one who lied to their father, and if he learns Kristen lied it could set him back, he needs to hang on until John returns with a cure. Sami says once that cure is found and dad is better Marlena will drop him for John, and crush his heart all over again. Sami says everyone may think she's a lying witch, but she learned it from her mother. Eric tells her that there is no way she can compare her situation to mom's. As Sami and Eric argue Marlena walks into the room and asks Eric to go sit with his dad while s he talks to Sami. Marlena tells Sami to accept the fact that Austin will not be a part of her life. Marlena wants Sami to be happy, but Austin isn't going to be a part of it. Marlena tells Sami to seek some counseling and Sami throws her mothers lies in her face. Sami says they are both doing anything and lying to anyone so they can have the men they love. Marlena says she is only doing what she is doing out of love for Roman, Sami is doing what she is doing out of love, Sami is doing it out of hate and selfishness.

Eric goes up to see his dad, who tells Eric he loves his mother so much and wants to rekindle his love with her before he dies. Roman says he could die a happy man if he had Marlena's love back. Eric goes back downstairs and tells Sami that Roman wants to see her. Marlena reminds Sami that Roman isn't very strong, and she says she'd never do anything to hurt her father, he's the only one who really loves her. Sami goes upstairs and is lectured to by Roman. Roman tells Sami that real love wins out in the end, that is why Carrie is with Austin and he and Marlena are destined to be together. Sami says she is destined to be with Austin and Carrie came between them. Roman tells her she came between Carrie and Austin, and he fears she'll do it again. Sami says if her dad wants her to be happy he'd help her get Austin back. Roman tells her to stop lying to herself, Austin loves Carrie. Sami tells her dad that everyone in this family tells lies, and Roman says he already knows about the lies, everyone is trying to convince him he can get well. Sami says he will not die, she loves her dad and Austin more than anyone in the world and won't loose either of them. Sami cries and runs out of the room.

Sami goes downstairs and cries and says she does belong with Austin. Eric comes to check on her, he tells her he does care about her and wants to help her. Sami tells Eric he can't imagine how she feels, he's never loved someone and then lost them. After Sami leaves Eric says "Who says I haven't." Upstairs Roman tells Marlena that there is a way to show Sami that if two people are supposed to be together they will be, and suggests they teach Sami themselves!

In the jungle Stefano has locked John and Hope in a bunker. John asks Stefano to let him out, but Stefano says all in good time. John asks Kristen to open the door, but she goes with Stefano. In the bunker Hope and John argue and Hope tells John the reason she stowed away was not only to watch him, she did it for love. Hope says she doesn't think it's right for Stefano to become between anyone in love. Hope says she's lost Bo and can't do anything about that, but she can help him and Marlena, and Roman as well. Hope asks John to please let her help him

Meanwhile Kristen tells Stefano she won't let him hurt John, she loves him as much as he loves Marlena. Kristen wants in on his plan, but he tells her it's extremely complex. Stefano decides to show Kristen just how much he loves Marlena, and he shows her a room which he turned into a shrine of Marlena. The room is covered with gold framed pictures of Marlena throughout the years. Kristen laughs and says this is so revolting, it's an obsession. Stefano calls it love, in it's purist state, and one day he and Marlena will be together. Stefano and Kristen argue about love, and Kristen says the one difference is that John actually loved her at one time, Marlena never loved him. Stefano reminds here there is a chance John will never love her again, but she says she will get him back. Stefano tells her she sounds obsessed, and she says at least she didn't build a shrine to the man. Stefano tells her there is a way to get John back, there is a procedure that can remove a portion of John's memory. He tells her that John will remember everything, except for the fact that he loves Marlena. Kristen says it sounds dangerous, there must be another way. Stefano tells her he doesn't think there is, and then tells her to go. A ticked of Kirsten Storms out of the holy shrine of Marlena. Stefano then calls someone and initiates phase 2, which involves the cure.

Kristen brings John and Hope some food, and tells John she'll consider letting him out if he gives them another chance. John says he loves Marlena and Hope tells Kristen to let them out, Stefano will kill them. John says if she has an ounce of goodness left in her she'd at least let Hope out, but Hope won't go anywhere without John. Kristen says all right, give me your gun and I'll get the key from Stefano. John looks at Kristen and asks if she would really murder Stefano to try to win his love back. Kristen says she has no intention of killing Stefano, she needs a weapon to get the key. Hope says it's a trick and John tells her that he maybe able to forgive her, but he won't forget, and he'll never love her again. Kristen tells him that hurts and to think about what he said, and she slams the window on the door shut.

Kristen returns to Stefano and tells him he was right, John will never love her without help. Kristen asks Stefano if this procedure will only take away John's love for Marlena and Stefano says he is positive. Stefano says all she has to do is say the word and he'll perform the procedure.

Wednesday, September 17, 1997

by Marcia Elgart

Viv is dreaming of being given a diamond necklace by a nicely dressed Jonesy. He offers her a glass of wine and finds a huge diamond ring in the wine glass. For emergencies she's given a box with money in it. Ivan sees her saying "money, money" in her sleep. Viv tells Ivan she's ready to be Jonesy's Flora Dora girl or whatever to have money, but Ivan gives her a greed or reason lecture. Being they've started on the proverbial straight and narrow path though, she thanks him for correcting her. Bertha comes with an ad for a new job and being it's white collar, they agree. As they close the door, Bertha smiles to herself. Ivan drives Viv over to their new job in a big truck for their management job in WD and finds out it's a glorified title of garbageman. The man tells them to empty dumpsters. Ivan rolls the dumpster over to the truck Viv refuses to help him. Holding her nose, she says that's enough and leaves. Ivan stumbles in to their room exhausted and Viv calls out if he finished the job. He said yes, he did it all himself. She comes out in a roaring 20's gold shimmering outfit and says Jonesy, here comes your Flora Dora girl, with a cigarette in a long holder.

Jack calls to wish Jen a happy birthday a day late. She tells him they had a little birthday party after he asks how it went. The guard cuts off his call. Mike walks in and tells her he took the day off due to personal reasons. She guesses Carrie and he said yeah, he had planned the whole day with her, right up to telling her he loved her. Jen tells Mike about wanting to find Travis while Trent listens outside. In jail, Jack remembers Travis' advice about Jen. The florist delivers some flowers to the house and Jen thinks they're a belated bday gift from Jack, but Mike corrects her that they were for Carrie. He's about ready to throw them away, and she said to give them to someone else he cares for. He hands them to her and says Happy Belated Birthday and she tells him NO,. that's not what she meant. She gives his ego a kick and he rushes off saying he knows the perfect person to give them to . Jen starts to work and Trent knocks on her door. She tells him she's on her way to see Jack to tell him she's going to help Jack start a story on Travis. He tries to talk her out of it, but rushes off when he gets a beeper message to make a call.

Jen visits with Jack. Jen tells Jack about her plan to work together on the story about Travis and he tells her no way. Jack tells her he needs to have someone on the inside to help him. They yell they love each other and that's why they're doing this and he goes back to his cell. Jen's already talking with Jack at the prison, but Travis is still on the phone with Stefano. He assures Stefano that Jack and Jen will never be together.

Yup, the flowers were for Alice. She tells him to sit down and talk. Another ego boost and telling him he reminds her of Tom. She guesses the flowers were for Carrie. He tells her he has fallen in love with Carrie. He tells her how it lead to love, but trying to protect her, etc. and that something happened while they were in the hut after the accident. Her kissing him and telling him she loved him was meant for Austin. Alice suggests someone who might help and knowing what she means, asks to use her phone. He tells her it's long distance (Jeremy?) and she said that's ok. Two for two, yeah, it's Mike calling his son to come visit. Jeremy reminds him he's in school and Mike said maybe over the holidays. Jeremy tells Mike he's got a girlfriend, but she doesn't know it. Mike tells him to tell her and go for it, not to give up on love.

Jen calls Mike on her cell phone from the prison. He tells her even though Jack says he doesn't want her in his life anymore, to hang in there and stay strong and fight for your love. She knows it's coming from the heart knowing the pain he's in . Jen sees the bulletin board with jobs posted on it and gets an idea as to how to be on the inside. Mike dreams of him and Carrie by the car and says everything reminds him of Carrie, even the car, and thinks of selling it.

Austin and Carrie wake up and agree they don't want to leave the hotel room. Housekeeping calls to ask if they are ever leaving so they can clean the room. Feeling they are probably the talk of the hotel, they decide to shower and go see some of Rome, but instead get back to what honeymooners do ;-) While Carrie showers, Austin calls B & B's room and finds they haven't been back for a few days, probably sight seeing. Off comes the towel and you know what. Austin and Carrie run into an older couple out on their honeymoon too, saying they've waited 20 years to get married and appreciate not having to wait THAT long. Wine is delivered to their table, courtesy of the house. The waitress tells them she's still looking for Mr. Right.

Billie is still on the park bench dreaming of Bo and Bo finds her. He wakes her up and she's shivering. He apologizes for leaving her along and promises not to again, they're going to beat this thing. Bo has Billie back in bed wrapped up in blankets and he can't realize how anyone could hurt anyone as sweet and caring as she is while she's out of it. He goes to get her water and she remembers her Curtis hallucination about another fix. She tells Bo she'll do anything for a fix and he calms her down again. He talks to her about good memories on his motorcycle and Green Mountain. She mutters don't leave me and he tells her he won't.

Thursday, September 18, 1997

by Diane Dix

Jack's cellmate warns him that the new guard, TC, is trying to be the toughest guy on the block and they'd better stay clear of him. While they're talking, TC is around the corner on the phone with Travis getting instructions - looks like he's a DiMera employee, too. Meanwhile, Jennifer tells Alice that in order to help Jack with his prison expose, she's going to apply for a job as a guard, using Hope's credentials. Alice is against it at first, but then she remembers the times she used to help Bo and Roman with their capers, and tells Jen that she'll help her when the time comes for the warden to check her references. Jennifer goes to get an interview, and while she's gone, Susan drops by to eat some of Alice's doughnuts. While she's there, Jennifer calls Alice to say that the interview is in an hour. Alice has to think fast, and brings Susan to the police station and tells her to provide a diversion if necessary. Jennifer, in a dark wig, interviews with the warden, who is impressed with her credentials. While she's interviewing, Jack comes in to clean the office, but the warden tells him to come back later, so he doesn't have time to recognize Jennifer. Alice, at the station, goes into Abe's office by sweet-talking an officer, and Susan comes running in with her vampire stories to get the officer out of the office. As luck would have it, while Alice is in the office alone, the warden calls to check "Hope's" credentials. Alice pretends she's Abe's executive assistant and gives "Hope" a glowing recommendation. The warden tells Jennifer she has the job and can go get her uniforms.

Vivian heads off to Jonesy's mansion in her flapper outfit, and is stopped by Susan, who naturally thinks she looks "purty." That gives Ivan time to catch up with her, reeking of cheap cologne that he put on to cover the smell of the garbage which even the shower couldn't remove. He trails Vivian to Jonesy's mansion, which they find unlocked and empty. While they're searching around, Jonesy comes in and is delighted to see Vivian, making her dance to an old phonograph tune from the '20s. He gets tired and falls asleep, and Vivian discovers a safe behind an old painting. While she's trying to open it, Jonesy wakes up and realizes she's not his Flora Dora girl at all. Vivian tries to convince him that she is, and he says if she's his Floradora, she should bring him to Baba. When he falls back asleep, Vivian and Ivan run around the mansion trying to figure out who Baba is. Ivan says that in his country, they used to call their grandmothers Baba. Vivian gets an evil gleam in her eye...

Stefano tries to convince Kristen that the surgery on John's brain which would erase his love for Marlena is the only way she's ever going to win his love again. Kristen says that if they get the cure for Roman and Marlena stays with him, she'll have a chance at John anyway, so the surgery is the last resort. She tells Stefano to get Hope out of the cell with John because they're two healthy young people and anything could happen. Stefano tells her not to be ridiculous; Hope loves Bo and she has to stay locked up. Kristen accuses Stefano of being afraid of Hope and what she knows. She starts yelling at Stefano that she wants to know his plans and he tells her to quit behaving like a spoiled child. While they're arguing, Kristen's finger brushes a button under the rim of Stefano's desk. Stefano yells at her not to push it, but she does, and a dart goes flying across the room. In a fury, Stefano tells her it is tipped with poison to which there is no known antidote, and the room is filled with them so that if any of his enemies penetrate in to this fortress, he can eliminate them. Kristen tells him he's sick.

John and Hope argue about how to get out of Stefano's cell. John says that if it will help get her home safe, he'll pretend to forgive Kristen. Hope says that there's no way she'll let him do that. While they're arguing, they hear a guard coming to give them food. Hope immediately falls to the ground moaning and clutching her stomach, while John climbs up into the rafters. The guard comes in and John jumps him and takes his gun, but before he and Hope can escape, four more of Stefano's guard come in. Hope keeps moaning and John tells them to go help her. As soon as they get close enough, Hope punches one of them and John takes care of the rest. They lock the guards in the cell and, both armed, start running through the complex. They open a door and John gapes in astonishment - they've entered Stefano's Marlena room, which contains everything from wall portraits, snapshots, gowns she's worn, and even a diamond brooch the John gave her. John furiously smashes through the glass to get the brooch, and while he's doing that, Kristen and Stefano come in. Stefano congratulates them on getting out, and John tells him he's crazy if he thinks he can ever win Marlena. Stefano gets behind his desk and tells John that he's on Stefano's turf now and he'd better learn to behave accordingly, all the while inching his finger toward the poison dart button. With an "Auf Wiedersehen," Stefano releases the dart. Kristen screams and Hope jumps in front of John, taking the dart. She slumps into his arms as Kristen says, "John, it's a poison dart....she's going to die!"

Friday, September 19, 1997

by Diane Dix

Jack calls Alice Horton at home, where she's sitting with Susan after her little caper in Abe's office. He begs her to try to talk Jennifer out of helping him with the expose. Alice tells him that Jennifer can take care of herself. Sister Mary, Susan's sister, and Caroline Brady stop by looking for Susan, and take her with them to the park to play with the children.

At the prison, the warden asks Stefano's plant, the guard TC, to show "Hope" (Jennifer) the ropes. He stares at her and for a minute Jennifer wonders if he recognizes her. He begins showing her around and Jennifer thinks that if she can just get to Jack privately, he won't blow her cover. Then TC shows her up to the weights room where Jack is sitting with his back turned, reading. TC keeps staring at Jennifer and she asks why. He says it's because she's so beautiful, and he wonders why she'd want a job like this. Then he points out Jack and says that he wants to introduce her to the senator's son who is in for murder. Jennifer ducks out before Jack can see her, and when TC asks where she was, she says she had to check out a disturbance in the hall [by the way, am I the only one who thinks that if a good looking woman showed up as a new prison guard, she wouldn't be able to quietly walk into a weights room full of men?]. Later, when Jack is asleep, she creeps into his cell and surprises him by waking him up with a passionate kiss.

Carrie and Austin are enjoying their honeymoon at the hotel in Rome, but Austin is haunted by the feeling that someone he loves is in trouble, and by memories of Curtis and Will. Carrie sees how troubled he is and tells him that no one will ever tear them apart again. Austin asks her to promise, and Carrie says she'll never leave him.

A few rooms away, Billie is going through the worst of the withdrawal. She is literally fighting for her life. She keeps telling Bo that Curtis isn't dead, that he's here in the room with them. Bo tells her it's just the drugs, but the demonic Curtis hallucination tells Billie she's no good and that she's better off dead, in Hell with her Daddy. Billie starts to slip away as Curtis urges her to die. Bo tries to rally her, but finally realizes he needs some divine intervention. With his religious medallion in his hand, Bo prays for the strength to fight the evil that has invaded Billie's soul. While he prays, a phantom Bo rises from his body to confront the evil Curtis spirit. The spirit Bo tells Curtis that if he wants Billie, he'll have to go through Bo first.

Roman takes Marlena to the park and surprises her with a picnic lunch, complete with their romantic snack of strawberries and cream. Roman thinks it's their special romantic ritual, but Marlena remembers eating strawberries and cream with John. So when Roman offers her a strawberry, she says she's not hungry. They sit down to eat their lunch and Roman tells her that he should never have divorced her, and that he loves her more now than the day they were married. He says he'll understand if it takes time for her to grow to love him again. Across the park, Sami and Eric are watching them together. Sami is indignant that Marlena is still lying to Roman and will break his heart. Roman sees them and invites them over, and he and Sami go to play Frisbee. Eric asks Marlena if there's any chance her feelings for Roman are returning. She says she'll always love Roman, but her passion is for John. Just then, Caroline comes by and introduces Sister Mary to Marlena. A few minutes later, Sami starts in on Marlena about being a hypocrite and a liar. Suddenly, Sister Mary grabs her by the ear and pulls her away and tells her never to speak to her mother that way. She says that she's heard all about Sami's evil schemes and that she had better get on the path to righteousness before it's too late. Sami is defiant at first, but as Sister Mary slams her ruler around threateningly, Sami gets frightened and runs away. Marlena thanks her for trying and says she hopes she got through to Sami. Sister Mary talks to Marlena about her situation and reminds her that in the eyes of the church, Roman is still her husband.

In the jungle, John and Kristen are terrified that Hope is dead from the poison dart. But she begins to stir and says that the dart didn't stick into her skin, and she's all right. Stefano takes the dart and says it wasn't poisonous anyway, and that he only did it as a way to show them that he wasn't about to hurt anyone [aren't there easier ways?]. To prove it, he sticks it in his own skin. Then he tells them that every other hidden dart in the room is deadly, and for their own protection they'd better follow his lead. John demands to be taken to the cure. Stefano leads them to a laboratory, where a Dr. Ralf, a scientist he freed from prison, is working on some of the most daring experiments in the world. Dr. Ralf greets Hope as if he recognizes her, but then denies it. Stefano shows them a vial of milky fluid which he claims is a cure for Roman, but says it's not complete yet. Hope is still troubled by her encounter with Dr. Ralf and wonders if it has to do with her memories of Maison Blanche and Stefano's secret. Later, in the Marlena shrine room, Hope sees a picture of Maison Blanche and has a memory flashback of herself in bandages staring at her hands, and then of lying in a bed while Stefano caresses her. Stefano and Kristen see her looking at the picture, and Stefano is afraid.

Recaps for the week of September 22, 1997 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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