Guiding Light Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on GL in 2009

Guiding Light summaries from 2009
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January 5 to 9, 2009
Jeffrey got Shayne a volunteer job at a center for troubled youth, where Shayne coldly turned Dinah away after rescuing her from a knife attack. Jeffrey gave Shayne's discarded medal to Josh, and Dinah advised Josh to help Shayne without Shayne realizing that Josh was doing it. Bill moved out of the mansion after confessing to Lizzie that he had no memory of the kidnapping. Lizzie hired Cyrus at Spaulding-Lewis, and Alan attempted to buy Bill out of the business. Daisy convinced Lizzie and Bill to see a hypnotherapist to regain his memory. Grady told Alan, who bribed the therapist to hinder Bill's progress. When mortgage problems threatened to close Company, a newly empowered Beth saved it by convincing Alan to bail out Buzz. Natalia overheard Alan tell Emma that family loyalty made the Spauldings unique, and she confronted him about abandoning an incarcerated Rafe. Emma observed how well Natalia and Olivia worked together and entitled her school project "My Two Mommies." Before finalizing their divorce, Christina showed Remy the marriage qualifications for her school grant, but she refused to continue a marriage of convenience. Remy secretly switched the grant papers with the divorce papers, and Christina unwittingly signed the grant papers. Reva started a video diary for her unborn son. Mallet's close call with cancer led him to seek treatment for his inability to conceive.
January 12 to 16, 2009
Bill's hypnotherapist couldn't help Bill recover his memory, and Lizzie gave up hope. Alan tried to take Lizzie to New York City, but Bill absconded with her instead. He took her to the kidnapping sites to refresh their memories. His effort only caused a greater rift between them. The discovery of Beth's affair with Coop disgusted Lizzie, but Beth convinced Lizzie not to tell Alan. Coop wanted the whole world to know about it, but an exasperated Beth needed time alone. Olivia and Natalia each thought the other wanted to end their living arrangement, but after an emotional talk, they agreed that they both loved the family that they had created. At Emma's school's open house, Olivia looked uncomfortable when she heard that Emma had entitled her report "My Two Mommies." Dinah and Jeffrey teamed up to locate Shayne's mystery girl, Lara, only to learn that she had died. When confronted with the revelation, Shayne explained that he had been in love with Lara, who had died in the explosion that had injured him. Shayne further disclosed to Dinah that Lara had died while tripping a landmine that he had neglected to clear. Shayne's anger propelled him to walk. Reva observed a strange man who seemed to have a stake in Lara's fate. When Christina tried to skip the MCAT, Remy revealed that he had tricked her into signing the grant papers. An angry Christina conceded to take the test.
January 19 to 23, 2009
After Emma's report, Olivia quickly noted that onlookers assumed that she and Natalia were lovers; however, she had to kiss Natalia into realizing it, as well. Natalia immediately set Emma's teacher straight about it. Frank worried that he'd made a mistake in kissing Natalia, but then she later accepted his dinner invitation. Lizzie encountered Beth and Coop on their first public outing, and she vowed that Coop would regret pursuing her mother. A distraught Lizzie gave Roxie away, but later, she was upset that Bill had adopted her dog. Per Billy's advice that only a Spaulding could best a Spaulding, Bill begged Rick to help him track down Phillip. After Rick conferred with Beth about Bill's intentions, Bill received a note containing a clue to Phillip's whereabouts. Dinah felt that only she could save Shayne, and she resented Reva's idea to have a memorial service for Lara. After Shayne opened up at the service, Reva told Dinah to give him time alone. An obstinate Dinah found Shayne attempting to jump off a rooftop. He confessed that he'd had a serious disregard for his own life since Lara's death. The memorial service concluded, but one guest arrived late: Lara's father, Edmond Winslow. Christina received exemplary MCAT scores, and Remy declined his acceptance to Johns Hopkins University, stating that he knew someone who deserved it more. Buzz had a panic attack after dealing with Coop and Frank's love lives. After listening to Dinah's advice, Marina and Mallet pursued adoption.
January 26 to 30, 2009
Dinah foiled Shayne's suicide plan by threatening to jump from the rooftop first. Edmund proclaimed that Lara had been the product of his teenage love affair with a palace attendant. Shayne tried to force Edmund out of town, but Edmund offered Shayne a chance to read Lara's final letter to her father. Tired of Dinah meddling in Shayne's life, Reva lured Dinah to the Bauer cabin under false pretenses and then claimed that the car had broken down. After rescinding Alan's proposal to demolish Company, Lizzie attempted to seduce Cyrus. Con artist Cyrus thought his gallant refusal would ingratiate himself to Lizzie, but she fired him instead. She soon rehired him to help her do damage control with Coop and Beth. While unsuccessfully searching for Phillip near an isolated cabin, Bill hit his head. He subsequently regained his memory and then rushed to share the news with Lizzie. She pretended to have moved on with Cyrus, and Bill left without telling her. Beth panicked when Coop and she learned that Blake had submitted their love story to a publisher. Coop ordered Blake to retract his manuscript, but Blake took a commission check from the publisher instead. Alan saw Beth and Coop making out in a closed Company. Alan hid his devastation over it long enough to lecture Olivia and Natalia about their living arrangement. Later, Alan cryptically told an unwitting Beth that he had been betrayed, but he would battle for what belonged to him. Olivia continued to push Natalia toward Frank, and Olivia denied to Christina that Natalia and she were lovers.
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February 2 to 6, 2009
Shayne and Edmund decided to build a children's center to honor Lara. Reva admitted that she had been wrong about Dinah, and she asked Dinah to help Shayne deal with Edmund. While rifling through Edmund's room, Dinah discovered that Lara had been pregnant. Dinah advised Edmund not to tell Shayne. Mallet confessed to Marina that he had been a contract killer for Griggs during the gaps in his employment. Marina was upset, but she admired Mallet's honesty. She told the adoption agency that since Mallet's employment history contained gaps, her and Mallet's records as dedicated police officers would have to suffice. Doris held a press conference to accuse school officials of using the "My Two Mommies" report to promote their personal agendas. When two women gawked at Olivia and Natalia, Olivia pretended that she and Natalia were lovers. Livid at Olivia's actions, Natalia agreed to go with Frank to the mountains. Alan and Beth unwittingly crashed Coop's book launch party. Later, Alan told Beth that she had humiliated him with her affair, but he strong-armed her to marry him, anyway. When Coop refused to give up on Beth, Buzz locked him in Marina's basement. Christina accepted Remy's spot at Johns Hopkins, but she didn't expect Remy to remain married to her while she was away at school.
February 9 to 13, 2009
Coop escaped Marina's basement and took off in Buzz's car to stop Alan and Beth's wedding. After receiving a taunting phone call from Alan, Coop crashed Buzz's car. Phillip Spaulding rescued Coop from the burning wreckage, but Coop bled unattended at Cedars for a long time before Buzz forced the doctors to attend to him. Phillip disrupted the wedding and announced Coop's accident. Beth rushed to Coop's side. Coop pulled through surgery, but his chances remained uncertain. Phillip drew a gun on Alan, but then decided that he had better things to do than kill his father. Beth caught Phillip up on the state of their family, but she dared him to judge her for her choices. After a heart-wrenching reunion with her father, Lizzie called the police on him. Frank arrested Phillip for the past kidnappings. A panicking Olivia vowed to kill Phillip for real if he tried to take Emma again. Cyrus' jingling dog tags reminded Bill of a sound he'd heard at the ransom site. Bill pretended to be a defeated drunk to make Cyrus less suspicious as Bill searched for proof implicating Cyrus in the kidnapping. Mallet and Marina were approved for the adoption agency's waiting list, but Mallet didn't tell Marina that her past with Danny Santos had jeopardized their adoption chances. Dinah enlisted Reva and Josh to prevent Shayne and Edmund from bonding on Lara's birthday.
February 16 to 20, 2009
Sensing that his body was failing him, Coop said his goodbyes to Buzz, Frank, and Beth. Coop flatlined, and, though the doctors restarted his heart, Lillian regretfully told Buzz that Coop was brain dead. Buzz overcame his feelings of inadequacy as a father to help Coop die. Beth insisted that she was finished with Alan after Coop's death. Buzz sought to use Phillip as a tool for revenge, but Frank urged him to accept Coop's death as an accident. Alan worsened matters when he barged into Coop's memorial service, claiming to be an injured party. Distraught about Phillip and her feelings for Natalia, Olivia kissed Bill. She confided in him that her feelings for Natalia frightened her. Natalia offered to confront Phillip with Olivia, but choosing her own way, Olivia pleaded for help from a judge, who warned her against bribing him. As Lizzie instilled all of her trust in Cyrus, Alex warned her to remember the kind of man that Cyrus was. After Bill detailed the kidnapping to Phillip, Phillip called Alex to learn more about Cyrus. Alex confirmed that Cyrus had a hold on Lizzie, who was slowly unraveling. After Bill told Cyrus that he had remembered fighting with the kidnapper, Bill overheard Cyrus telling Grady that they needed to talk. Phillip negotiated a pass out of prison and arrived at Coop's service in time to see Alan making a spectacle of himself. Reva underwent her final chemotherapy session.
February 23 to 27, 2009
After Phillip fired a gun in the church, he implored the crowd to forgive each other. Alan attempted to return Company to Buzz, but a vengeful Buzz refused to take it. While the Coopers packed up Company, Buzz stalked Alan. Buzz attempted to enlist Phillip and Frank in his revenge plans, but they insisted that Buzz let it go. Alan and Buzz finally faced each other outside the mansion. Natalia feared that sleeping with Frank had only worsened matters. Phillip told Olivia that he wouldn't judge her if rumors about her same-sex relationship were true. Olivia confessed to Jeffrey, and then later on to Mel, that she was confused about her feelings for Natalia. To prevent Shayne from learning about Lara's pregnancy, Dinah deleted a video of Lara from Edmund's computer. Shayne lashed out at her for destroying the memory. After Mallet overhead Shayne talking about a Bosnian orphanage, Mallet flew to Bosnia for a baby. The orphanage turned him down because his wife hadn't accompanied him. Dinah was also in Bosnia, tracking a package that Lara had mailed to Shayne. Dinah offered to help Mallet with the orphanage by pretending to be his wife. After the kidnapper made a threatening call to Bill, Bill caught Cyrus and Grady discussing the kidnapping. The brothers hastily abducted Bill. Jeffrey discovered Reva's pregnancy videos, and he accused her of videotaping her obituary while he was fighting for her survival.
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MARCH 2009
March 2 to 6, 2009
Beth used her novice law skills to get Phillip's bail set. Lizzie took Roxie to the mansion, and she worried about what had happened to Bill. Grady taunted Lizzie with a text message from her kidnapper. Lizzie deduced that Phillip had kidnapped her, and she begged for Alan's protection. Alan and Buzz gave each other heart attacks during a confrontation outside the mansion. Buzz convinced Grady that Grady would be a hero if Grady confessed to being Alan's hit man. Doris arrested Alan and gave Grady immunity. Alan instructed Lizzie to threaten Grady. After Grady laughed at Lizzie's threats, Lizzie turned to Cyrus, who had been secretly trying to send Grady out of town. Cyrus advised Lizzie that money was Grady's weakness. Before Lizzie could deliver the money, she saw the tattoo that covered Grady's scar, and realized that he had been her kidnapper. Phillip left his class reunion to search for a distraught Lizzie. After calming Lizzie, Phillip met with Grady on a cliff. Dinah pretended to be Marina at the Bosnian orphanage. Mallet set his heart on a baby boy, but the orphanage said that the boy was no longer available. Later, a couple claiming to be the baby's parents offered to sell Mallet the baby. A disgusted Mallet cooperated after the couple threatened to dump the baby onto the streets. Natalia told Frank that she had sinned by sleeping with him. Natalia confessed her guilt over it to Olivia. Olivia decided to confess something of her own, but Jeffrey interrupted her. Jeffrey and Reva continued to disagree about Reva's outlook on the future.
March 9 to 13, 2009
Lizzie realized that Grady had kidnapped her. After Bill escaped from captivity, he reunited with Lizzie. They resolved to forget the past and begin anew. On a cliff side, Grady told Phillip that Alan and Dinah had been in on Lizzie's kidnapping. Phillip grabbed Grady, and Grady fell off the cliff. Daisy grew worried after Grady missed Alan's grand jury hearing. Disguised as Grady, Phillip sent Daisy a poignant goodbye in a text message. To Lillian's dismay, Buzz and Daisy set off to search for Grady. Frank gave Natalia time to think over his marriage proposal. At ladies' night in a bar, Olivia and Doris each accused the other of living a lie. When Natalia and Olivia caught Emma sneaking off to see Phillip again, they vowed to keep Emma safe from Phillip. Mallet and Dinah returned to Springfield. Mallet surprised Marina with a new baby boy. Shayne realized that he'd missed Dinah, but Dinah pushed him away. Phillip informed Dinah that Grady had been Lizzie's kidnapper, and Dinah feared that she'd soon be implicated, as well. Colin advised Reva to have an immediate C-section in order to undergo intense radiation therapy. Reva refused, and Jeffrey took her to court to force her to give birth. During the hearing, Jeffrey and Reva defended each other to the judge. The couple ultimately decided to work together to ensure that both Reva and the baby survived. The Four Musketeers celebrated at their high school reunion.
March 16 to 20, 2009
Lizzie and Bill pretended that they'd just met. Phillip snatched Grady's bribery money and tossed the empty bag over the cliff. Pretending to be an airline agent, Phillip called Cyrus saying there was a problem with Grady's credit card payment for Grady's flight to Sydney. Phillip warned Alan to watch his step, or Phillip would tell Lizzie about Alan's part in Bill's frame-up. With Grady out of town, Dinah considered her kidnapping woes behind her. However, at a party she threw for Bill, Phillip whispered to her that he knew everything. Guilt-ridden, Dinah confessed to the entire party that she had been the second kidnapper. Bill seethed that Dinah was dead to him. Josh encouraged Shayne to draw closer to Dinah, and Shayne confided the circumstances of Lara's death to Josh. Shayne later found Dinah on the Towers rooftop. During Buzz and Daisy's search for Grady, Buzz ordered Daisy to go home after she worried about Buzz's mental state. Daisy called Ashlee a jealous liar when Ashlee revealed that Grady had kidnapped Lizzie. Daisy took a gun to Alan's house, demanding that Alan tell her where Grady was. After talking to Jenna, Buzz decided that his family needed him. Buzz stormed into the Spaulding mansion in time to stop Daisy from shooting Alan. Olivia told Natalia that she'd accidentally stumbled into a lesbian ladies' night at a bar, where she saw Doris Wolfe. Olivia and Natalia blackmailed Doris with her sexuality secret in order to get Phillip's trial date moved up.
March 23 to 27, 2009
While Buzz quelled his vendetta against Alan, Daisy embraced her disdain for the Spauldings. Phillip attempted to make amends with those he'd wronged. He briefly saw Emma at Company with her babysitter. Marina secretly accepted Phillip's offer to return Company to the Coopers, and she later surprised the family with the news. Phillip confessed to Lizzie that he'd thrown Grady off a cliff, and Lizzie called him a monster. Beth decided to assist Phillip with his trial. At the trial, Beth, Rick, Alan, Lizzie, and Emma's testimonies depicted a loving, but tortured Phillip for the judge. When Daisy declined to be Henry's godmother, Dinah accepted the honor. However, at the christening, Dinah relinquished the position once Mallet and Marina learned of her kidnapping misdeeds. Natalia then convinced Daisy to be Henry's godmother. Dinah intended to pay for her crimes, but Frank refused to arrest Dinah without an investigation. Lizzie chose not to press charges against Dinah. Olivia scouted other places to live in the event that Natalia married Frank. After a glitch with her pacemaker, a sedated Olivia avoided an intimate encounter with Natalia at the hospital. Later, Olivia confided to Doris that she wasn't ready for a relationship with Natalia. Olivia pushed Natalia to accept Frank's marriage proposal. The Coopers rejoiced over Frank and Natalia's engagement. In a drunken stupor, Olivia, Shayne, and Edmund played a rock band video game.
March 30 to April 3, 2009
While Olivia sought spiritual guidance from a nun, Frank and Natalia announced their engagement all over town. Olivia threw an engagement party for the couple, where she made a heartfelt speech about Natalia. Natalia confided in Olivia that she hadn't taken certain things into consideration before getting engaged. Doris told Dinah that prosecuting her for the kidnapping wouldn't further Doris' career. Dinah decided to atone for her crimes by suing herself in civil court. Judge Green thought it was the most ludicrous case he'd ever heard, but in the end, he found for the plaintiff, Dinah, ordering the defendant, Dinah, to pay $25,000 in damages. Christina lost her grant money and her place at Johns Hopkins when the grantors learned that her marriage was a sham. Reva showed Phillip a picture of Sarah. While preparing for her C-section, Reva went into labor. Edmund drove Reva to Cedars while Jeffrey and Josh almost got arrested for speeding and disrupting the peace. At the hospital, Reva insisted that she wasn't ready, but Edmund advised her that the baby was. Reva delivered a baby boy, whom she named Colin. Reva reluctantly submitted herself for radiation treatment. Edmund revealed to Shayne that Lara had been pregnant. Dinah told a disillusioned Shayne that she hadn't thought he could handle knowing the truth about Lara. While arguing, Dinah and Shayne began to make love.
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APRIL 2009
April 6 to 10, 2009
Dinah and Shayne made love and grew closer to each other. Shayne shed his dark aura after confiding to Edmund about Lara's death, but the news hurtled Edmund into a downward spiral. Josh commissioned Roc Hoover to tail Edmund. Edmund knocked Hoover out, and cornered Shayne in a photo studio. Alan found the hidden million dollars, and splashed it onto the dinner table at a party for Phillip. Alan later accused Phillip of disposing of Grady and coercing Lizzie to lie about it. Alan bribed the judge in Phillip's case, and the judge found Phillip guilty. Beth roped Bill into a failed scheme to convince the governor to pardon Phillip. James Spaulding, however, successfully wooed the governor's daughter into getting her father to pardon Phillip. Daisy exorcized her Grady demon in her old dorm room, where she unwittingly met James Spaulding. Beth threw another family dinner for Phillip, and she spent most of the evening displacing Alan as the head of the family. Alan refused to be tossed aside. Daisy realized that James was a Spaulding when she crashed his family dinner. Remy was devastated when he stumbled upon Christina's divorce petition. After Christina and Remy signed the divorce papers, they wound up making love. Jeffrey took baby Colin home from the hospital and set up a webcam so that Reva could see the baby from the hospital. Child Protective Services called a meeting with Mallet and Marina to discuss Henry's adoption.
April 13 to 17, 2009
A vengeful Edmund accosted Dinah on the baseball field, and clobbered Shayne with a baseball bat. Reva rushed to Cross Creek after witnessing Edmund on her webcam, attempting abduct Colin. When she couldn't reason with Edmund, Reva stabbed him with a syringe. Josh arrived, and he called Roc Hoover, who carted a bound Edmund off to a remote island. Jeffrey was angry that Josh and Reva hadn't involved him in handling Edmund. When Frank got Rafe released to a halfway house, Natalia moved the wedding date up. During an emotional conversation at Gus's grave, Olivia confessed her feelings to Natalia, but insisted that Natalia marry Frank. Doris agreed to perform the impromptu ceremony, but she filibustered the wedding in hopes that Olivia would speak up. Natalia couldn't bring herself to pledge her life to Frank before God, and she fled the church. Later, in private, Natalia said that she loved Olivia, but was confused by what it meant for them. Olivia said that there was no "them," because Natalia would eventually resent Olivia for their "shameful" feelings. Olivia lied to Frank that Natalia still mourned Gus, and Frank vowed to wait until Natalia was really ready to get married. Alan talked Phillip into returning to the Spaulding board, pending psychiatric tests. Phillip agreed to take the tests, but he struggled when orderlies suddenly seized him. After date three with Lizzie, Bill curtailed their ten dates before sex rule by whisking her to New York for seven whirlwind dates.
April 20 to 24, 2009
Marina put a halt to the investigation into Henry's adoption when she stole drugs from the police station and planted them in the office of the Child Services agent, Clarice. Marina blackmailed Clarice into approving the adoption. Shayne threw together an impromptu christening for Colin outside Reva's hospital room. Edmund somehow escaped from Roc Hoover. Edmund pursued Dinah and Shayne to Bosnia, where the couple intended to lay Lara's memory to rest. When Josh and Roc met up in Bosnia, Edmund hid in the hotel room with a gun trained on Roc. Roc lied to Josh that Edmund was in custody. A nun from the Bosnian orphanage told Dinah that Lara was Henry's true mother; however, the nun didn't know who Henry's father was. Dinah decided to investigate the claim before telling Shayne. At Ravenwood, the doctor deemed Phillip sane, but changed her mind after Alan provoked Phillip to violence on camera. Natalia said goodbye to Rafe outside a church. Natalia said she knew what it meant to profess her love for Olivia, but Natalia still felt God's love. The women decided to take their time deciding where to go from there. Bill was disappointed when Lizzie had already done most of the activities that New York offered. He flew her to Orlando to relive her childhood. When Christina was laid off at the gym, she contemplated opening her own daycare center.
April 27 to May 1, 2009
Bill whisked Lizzie away to Universal Studios to relive her childhood. Alan corralled the Spauldings to fly down after them. James invited Daisy and her friends along. When Remy discovered that Christina and Ashlee were going with Daisy, he booked a flight to Orlando. Lizzie was livid to see her family at Universal. Rick set Phillip up in a Ravenwood room with a trick window that would allow Phillip to come and go as he pleased. When Bill called Phillip to ask for Lizzie's hand in marriage, Phillip sneaked out of the hospital to fly to Universal. While everyone enjoyed the theme park, Beth and Phillip kept Alan away from Lizzie and Bill. Bill starred in a special Sinbad show for Lizzie. Ashlee gathered all the Springfielders to see the show, even though they weren't invited. After Lizzie agreed to marry Bill, they flew to the Bauer cabin, where they hoped to elope. Alan hinted to James that Phillip had gotten rid of Grady for Lizzie. Phillip was outraged when James expected Phillip to get rid of Alan for James. At Remy's suggestion, Dinah secretly initiated a paternity test for Henry and Shayne. Shayne took Dinah to Universal to reconcile with Bill. Olivia and Natalia decided to get away together to sort out their feelings for each other. Doris told Frank that Natalia had the hots for Olivia. When Frank gripped Doris' arm, her bodyguards beat him up.
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MAY 2009
May 4 to 8, 2009
After the hospital discharged Reva, Josh couldn't shake his hunch that Edmund wanted revenge on Reva and Shayne. Josh's friends and family thought Josh was obsessed with playing Reva's hero. Mysterious gifts and messages arrived for Reva and Josh, and Reva insisted that Hawk had sent them. Blake warned Jeffrey against becoming a casualty of the Reva and Josh saga. Lizzie and Bill planned to elope at the Bauer cabin, but opted for a traditional wedding after Matt, Josh, and Billy showed up at the cabin for a fishing trip. James got Phillip released from Ravenwood. James became disappointed when it appeared that Lizzie always snagged their parents' attention from him. The paternity test that Dinah ran revealed that Shayne was Henry's father. When Dinah told Shayne, Shayne claimed that he'd helped conceive Henry, but Mallet would be the boy's father. Henry's doctor uncovered a problem with Henry's blood work during a routine appointment. Natalia and Olivia's spa trip went awry when the hotel gave them only one room. Blake unwittingly horned in on their trip, saying that she hadn't had a girl's day out in years. Later, Natalia and Olivia bickered about their approaches to their relationship and their intentions in it. After Emma showed up at the spa, the women decided to take it slow, so that they didn't ruin what they'd already built.
May 11 to 15, 2009
When Henry needed a blood transfusion, Shayne anonymously donated the life-saving blood. Dinah and Shayne argued about Shayne suppressing his feelings for Henry, and Dinah slapped Shayne after he accused her of using Henry to hang on to Mallet. Marina partnered with Christina in the daycare center. Remy asked Clayton for a loan for Christina's business, and learned that his father's money was tied up in a Ponzi scheme. Desperate for money, Remy contemplated sitting in on a high-stakes poker game. Alan warned Phillip that James was up to something. James eventually confessed to Phillip that he was running a Ponzi scheme, which was spiraling out of control. Phillip tried to help James, who had used Bill Lewis' name to raise capital for the business. James thought Phillip only wanted to protect Lizzie and Bill. James asked Daisy to run away with him, but she declined. Phillip wrestled with how to help James, but not hurt Lizzie. Olivia took off from the spa to visit Ava in San Francisco. Buzz asked Natalia to consider giving Frank another chance. Frank asked Doris to promote Mallet to detective, and get Rafe another hearing. Josh and Shayne flew to Italy to see a captive Edmund. They learned that Edmund was on the loose, and Roc had been hospitalized. Remy discovered Edmund floating in a Springfield creek. Reva's blood test results revealed that she was cancer-free.
May 18 to 22, 2009
Remy found Edmund dead in the river with a pouch of diamonds in his pocket. Remy called the police, but didn't mention the diamonds. Later, Buzz gave Remy a lead on a fence, but warned him that it was dangerous. Dinah said that it wouldn't matter to her if Shayne had killed Edmund, but Shayne swore it hadn't been him. After talking to Mallet, Dinah told Shayne that Reva might be the prime suspect. Josh and Jeffrey checked each other's alibis while Reva lurked around the crime scene, watching the forensics team. Olivia told Jeffrey that she'd seen Reva with Edmund before he died. Shayne threw a gathering for those who'd survived Edmund. At the event, Christina told Mallet that Reva had been the person Christina had heard talking to Edmund before he died. Shayne told Dinah that he needed to tell Marina the truth about Henry. James confided in Daisy about his Ponzi scheme. Daisy volunteered to help him fix it; however, when she learned that James was using Bill Lewis as a front, she bailed out on him. Phillip was irate when he figured out that James had sold one of Alan's cars to fund James's scam. Phillip recovered the car before Alan called the police on James. Olivia and Natalia tried to "be normal" at work to quell any speculation about their relationship. With Rafe's release hearing pending, Olivia and Natalia contemplated what Rafe's return would mean for their relationship.
May 25 to 29, 2009
Mallet learned that someone had killed Edmund by striking him in the head with a PVC pipe. After surveillance photos of Lara's project site showed Reva stalking Edmund near PVC pipes, Mallet arrested Reva. He isolated her from her family in order to force a confession, or flush out the real killer. Marina interfered, sneaking Colin in to see his mother. When a jailed Reva told Jeffrey that she had to protect Shayne, Jeffrey retorted that she was sacrificing her new family for her old one. Shayne revealed Henry's paternity to Marina, who then decided that Mallet was Henry's only father. Shayne promised to remain silent thereafter about Henry's paternity. Alan foiled Phillip's attempt to get a loan to bail out James. In Chicago, a disgruntled investor slugged Bill, and the police arrested Bill and Lizzie for securities fraud. Phillip rushed to bail Lizzie and Bill out of trouble. Phillip decided to take the blame for James's scheme. In return, Phillip asked James to turn his life around. James thanked Phillip, but later, called another investor about a new opportunity. A judge released Rafe, after Frank pledged to be Rafe's male mentor. Rafe had a hard time adjusting to life outside prison, and Natalia decided that it was the wrong time to tell him about Olivia and her. Remy was reinstated to the police force, but felt guilty for still hanging onto the stolen diamonds.
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JUNE 2009
June 1 to 5, 2009
Phillip caught James and Daisy soliciting for their new fraud. James promised to stop his swindling, but said that Phillip's offer to go to jail for James didn't make up for everything. Phillip later overheard James on a call, still defrauding a client. Bill wanted to marry Lizzie at their engagement party, but the police barreled in to arrest him for securities fraud. Phillip said that the real culprit was James. The police arrested James, and the Spauldings and the Lewises bickered with each other and themselves. As the Spaulding family faltered, Phillip wondered if they were better off without him. Olivia bided her time, waiting for Rafe to adjust to life outside prison. Rafe's dreams were dashed when Frank said that Rafe's felony conviction disqualified him from joining the police force. Olivia tried to hire Rafe at the Beacon, but he ordered her to stay out of his family's business. Cyrus returned to town on a stealth mission to locate Edmund's diamonds for Natasha. Christina caught Remy with a diamond, and assumed that he wanted to propose to her. Remy played along, and Christina turned him down. He then fenced the diamond to pay off Clayton's mortgage. Frank assigned Remy to work with Cyrus, the former jewel thief, to find Edmund's diamonds. Mallet discovered a bloody PVC pipe in Reva's car trunk, and officially charged her with Edmund's murder. Jeffrey sensed that someone was setting his wife up.
June 8 to 12, 2009
As Remy attempted to get Cyrus ousted from the diamond case, Cyrus learned that Doyle had bought a diamond from a couple who'd decided not to get engaged. Cyrus then overheard Christina talking about Remy's proposal and loose diamond. Cyrus mentioned Doyle's purchase to Remy, and Remy decided to keep a close eye on Cyrus. A judge denied James bail after Phillip explained that James had tried to start another scam. Beth, who coddled her jailed son, berated Phillip for exacerbating the situation. After the D.A. said he intended to prosecute James to the fullest extent of the law, Phillip met privately with the judge in James's case. Testing proved that Edmund's blood was on the PVC pipe from Reva's car. Mallet found Dinah attempting to torch the police storage unit. He took her to Shayne's house before she could do any harm. Vandals spray-painted "murderer" on Reva's house. When Jeffrey and Josh discovered that the morgue had accidentally cremated Edmund, they didn't believe that it had been a clerical error. The two theorized that Edmund was alive, but framing Reva for his murder. Olivia and Josh struggled to channel their sexual energy. Josh kissed Olivia, but Olivia chose to patron an adult store rather than give in to her desires. At the store, Blake consulted Olivia on what to buy. Just as Rafe seemed to be acclimating to his new life, he realized that something had changed between Natalia and Olivia.
June 15 to 19, 2009
Rafe refused to accept Olivia and Natalia's relationship, and moved in with Frank. After talking with Frank and Father Ray, Rafe visited his mother on his birthday. When Natalia suggested that Rafe have dinner with Olivia and her, Rafe bolted. Phillip bribed the judge in James's case, and James received a year of community service for his crime. Beth told James what Phillip had done, and James said he hated Phillip more than ever. Lizzie and Bill stepped down as CEOs of Spaulding-Lewis and set a July wedding date. Lizzie attempted to sell Alan her company stock, but Alan said he'd just hold onto it until Lizzie returned to her senses. Jeffrey diverted attention in the murder investigation from Reva to himself. As Mallet sought to arrest Jeffrey, based on the false leads that Josh and Jeffrey had planted, Dinah and Jeffrey travelled to Bosnia to reincarnate Lara as bait to lure Edmund out of hiding. Josh told Reva what Jeffrey and he had done, and a worried Reva searched for clues to her husband's whereabouts. Remy sensed that Cyrus was onto him, and Remy lied to Cyrus that he'd come into a lot of money due to his gambling addiction. Cyrus uncovered bank surveillance footage that showed Remy retrieving the diamonds from a safe deposit box. Christina also figured out that Remy had the diamonds, and together, they flushed the gems down the toilet.
June 22 to 26, 2009
After Blake hired Natalia as her assistant, she quickly figured out Natalia and Olivia's secret. Olivia and Natalia decided to declare their independence by coming out at the Bauer barbecue. Police received a picture of the disguised Dinah and Jeffrey in Bosnia. Mallet saw Shayne's name on a rare blood donor's list, and later, he demanded to know what Marina and Shayne were arguing about. Reva placed a lantern in her window for Jeffrey, but quickly tired of waiting for his return. Josh talked her out of risking her life to find Jeffrey. Alan groomed James for a Spaulding board seat, and paid another teen to serve James's community service sentence. Beth accused Alan of driving a deeper wedge between Phillip and James. Lillian, Beth, Vanessa, and Alex set out to make wedding planning easier for Lizzie, but drove her crazy in the process. Bill and Lizzie took control of their own wedding planning. Phillip flew to California to see Ed Bauer about an infectious disease he might have contracted while in seclusion. Ed diagnosed Phillip with an incurable, terminal disease. Cyrus confronted Remy about the diamonds, and together the men fished the stones out of a sewage vat. Christina fumbled the duo's sting to entrap Natasha, but after a skirmish, Frank took Natasha into custody. In private, Cyrus studied the diamonds he'd swiped in the process. Buzz received a package addressed to Coop, but wouldn't open it.
June 29 to July 3, 2009
Natalia felt ill, and Blake wondered if she were pregnant. Natalia took a pregnancy test, which confirmed Blake's suspicions. Following Father Ray's advice, Natalia left town to sort out her life. Olivia looked forward to telling Emma about Natalia and her, and to being a family at the barbecue. Olivia was crushed when Blake said that Natalia didn't want to see her. Mallet confronted Marina with his theory about Shayne, and Marina admitted that Shayne was Henry's father. At the Bauer Barbecue, Shayne insisted to Mallet that he wouldn't interfere with Henry's new family. Josh continued to look out for Reva, even though she assumed that he was trying to take advantage of Jeffrey's absence. Shayne was upset to learn from Mallet that Dinah might be in Bosnia with Jeffrey, getting shot at. Lillian treated Phillip for his illness. Phillip spent quality time helping Lizzie with her DIY wedding. James got arrested for a DUI and having an open container. Just as Phillip thought he was getting through to James, Alan swooped in, made the charges disappear, and decided to take James to a private island for the holiday. When Lillian learned of the trip, she pretended to be Alan's assistant, and canceled the flights, so that Phillip could spend the Fourth with James. Danny and Michelle took their family to town for the Bauer Barbecue. Mindy also attended the cookout. Hawk visited Reva for a private celebration at Cross Creek.
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JULY 2009
July 6 to 10, 2009
After a bar brawl at Bill's bachelor party, Alan refused to attend Lizzie's wedding, and Lizzie uninvited James to the event. On their wedding day, Lizzie and Bill discovered that they had no flowers, no music, and no minister. Even worse, their wedding invitations had the wrong date on them. Dinah and Mindy swooped in and surprised Bill and Lizzie by throwing together an impromptu ceremony in a field. Reva received a distress call from Jeffrey, who said he wanted to hear her voice one last time before his plane crashed. When Dinah arrived back in town, she explained that Jeffrey had sent her home, because the pursuit of Edmund had become too dangerous. Dinah said that Jeffrey had chartered a plane to catch Edmund on his own. Frank learned that Jeffrey might have flown out of Key West. Reva wanted to take the next flight to Florida to search for Jeffrey herself, but Josh didn't want to go. He told Shayne that he'd promised Jeffrey that he'd keep his distance from Reva. Shayne convinced Josh that the situation had changed, and Josh joined Reva on her trip. When Mallet observed that the handle on Henry's stroller had broken, he submitted the stroller for forensic analysis at the police station. Doris and Olivia hit the road in search of Natalia, who'd taken off on a church retreat. During the trip, Olivia lost faith, and decided that Natalia didn't want to be found.
July 13 to 17, 2009
Bill and Lizzie finally got married. Phillip kissed Beth at the wedding, but later told her that it was too late for them. The next day, Remy and Christina awakened to realize that they'd gotten drunk and married at Bill and Lizzie's wedding reception. The couple confided in others that they really hadn't been drunk, but refused to admit it to each other. Mel filed for an annulment, but at the last minute, Christina and Remy decided that they really did want to be married. Reva and Josh went to the North Carolina coast, where the Coast Guard had located the wreckage of Jeffrey's plane in the ocean. It was too deep to raise up, but divers saw a body inside. Reva slowly began to accept that Jeffrey was gone. News of Jeffrey's death spread to Springfield. Mallet discovered that the plastic from Henry's stroller matched the plastic in his murder victim's skull. Dinah told him to let it go, and concentrate on being happy. Mallet found that hard to do, when he suspected his wife of mistaking the John Doe for Edmund, and murdering him. Phillip cashed in on a camping trip that Alan had promised Phillip when he was a boy. James agreed to go camping, if Phillip bought him a new car. The Spaulding men bickered with each other about setting up camp, but upon hearing of Jeffrey's death, Phillip said he was lucky to be with Alan and James.
July 20 to 24, 2009
James stranded an arguing Phillip and Alan in the woods. Alan confided in Phillip that he'd escaped the Vietnam draft when Brandon replaced Alan with an employee, Gerald Pierce. Pierce had died in combat. Alex told Phillip that Alan had been sending money to the soldier's family for years, but Alan denied that it meant anything. The Feds arrested Cyrus for the stolen diamonds, leaving Company with no stove and an unfinished roof. Olivia pulled herself together after being too drunk to pick Emma up from camp. Olivia searched for Natalia in Chicago, and Josh bailed Olivia out of jail after she'd handcuffed herself to Jonesy's restaurant. Shayne proposed to Dinah. Dinah loved Shayne, but felt that she couldn't marry him. She confided in Henry that she'd killed the John Doe to protect Henry from Edmund. Matt overheard her. He insisted that she bury her feelings, and marry Shayne. Mallet confronted Marina about his suspicions that she'd murdered the Edmund look-alike. Marina swore that she didn't do it, but Mallet caused friction in their marriage as he continued to suspect her. Rafe told Ashlee that Natalia was gay. Ashlee relayed the news to Doris, saying that it was a big secret to keep from one's child. Reva held a memorial service for Jeffrey in the park, and Ava attended. When Josh said Jeffrey had sought one final goodbye with Reva, an enraged Reva knocked over Jeffrey's portrait, claiming she'd never gotten her goodbye.
July 27 to 31, 2009
As Reva ranted that Jeffrey had deprived her of a goodbye, an injured Jeffrey struggled to survive in the woods. Olivia revealed her relationship with Natalia to Ava, and Ava was happy about it. Olivia sullenly added that Natalia had left town. Rick warned Olivia about her drinking habit. Phillip refused Ed's dangerous, life-saving procedure to cure Phillip's illness. Suspecting that Phillip was planning to steal the family business, Alan insisted upon going on Phillip's ballpark trip. Phillip secretly intended to take Alan to visit the Pierce family. Dinah accepted Shayne's marriage proposal, and Reva and Vanessa helped Dinah arrange an impromptu ceremony. Shayne sent Vanessa and Dinah on a carriage ride the day before the wedding. Marina offered to partner with Mallet to solve the John Doe murder case. While investigating, Marina remembered that her retail receipts would prove that she was nowhere near the crime scene. Mallet was satisfied with the evidence, but a 45-minute block of free time nagged at Marina. Marina feared they'd lose their family, and Mallet convinced her to let it go. The couple agreed to trust each other. Buzz found Coop's research on Jenna. He bailed Cyrus out of jail, insisting that Cyrus reveal more about Coop's book on Jenna. Bill and Lizzie returned from their honeymoon to discover that Phillip had bought them the house that Bill had wanted to buy. The newlyweds looked forward to renovating it.
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August 3 to 7, 2009
At Shayne and Dinah's wedding reception, Dinah confessed to Mallet that she was the John Doe murderer. Frank overheard Dinah, and ordered Mallet to arrest her. Dinah confessed to Shayne, and then she fled town in a helicopter provided by Mallet. Remy questioned a heliport employee, and deduced that Mallet had helped Dinah evade arrest. Remy said he would have done the same thing. Shayne tried to deal with his anger over what Dinah had done. Reva talked to Jeffrey's picture as if it were really Jeffrey, and shunned Josh's efforts to help her cope. Phillip took Alan to a diner owned by the Pierce family, and Alan confronted his guilt over Gerald Pierce's death. Alan intercepted a call on Phillip's phone, and heard from Ed that Phillip had contracted a terminal illness. Alan raged that Phillip wouldn't fix his father, and then die on him. Desperate for more time with his family, Phillip decided to seek a second opinion. Jeffrey collapsed in a clearing, where Sarah and Jonathan found him. Jeffrey chose to stay "dead" to get the advantage on Edmund. As Edmund schemed to make Reva's family suffer, Jonathan and Jeffrey concocted a plan to get Edmund. Buzz wanted to experience the adrenaline rush described in Jenna's memoirs, and talked Cyrus into helping him burglarize a restaurant. Remy caught them, and called it in as a false alarm. Bill and Lizzie returned, and started renovations on their new home.
August 10 to 14, 2009
Phillip's overzealousness about working on Bill and Lizzie's house alienated Phillip from Beth and James. Phillip decided to go to Mexico for an alternative cure. To avoid the pain of losing Phillip again, Alan chose to alienate Phillip and concentrate on James. After Daisy and James spent a romantic night camping, Daisy worried that Alan would ruin her relationship with James. Mel set Cyrus up to be arrested so that he could help her get information from a reluctant jail inmate. Cyrus and Buzz took off for New York to find some of Jenna's haunts. They located a suitcase in an old train station locker. Blake set out to publish Coop's book against Buzz's wishes. Friends pitched in to help Frank and Marina with repairs at Company. Mallet tried to take Marina on a vacation to make up for his suspicions of her, but Marina said that it wasn't the right time. Matt and Rick tried flirting with Olivia. Josh wound up in Olivia's bed, but she stopped things before they went too far. Reva refused everyone's help, and talked to Jeffrey's picture for comfort. She taped his pictures all over the house to make herself feel safe. Shayne couldn't handle his anger, and picked fights around town. He wound up in jail, where he assaulted Mallet. Remy and Bill bonded at Max's memorial site. While Vanessa tried to run WSPR, Billy announced his intentions to marry her.
August 17 to 21, 2009
Upon returning to town, Natalia decided to raise Frank's baby with Olivia; however, Olivia had lost faith in their relationship. Natalia vowed to win back Olivia's trust, and Rafe alienated himself from Natalia. Frank asked Natalia to draw up custody papers, so that he could protect his parental rights. Blake and Frank wound up unknowingly instant messaging each other on an online dating site. Billy kidnapped Vanessa, and took her to their surprise wedding. Vanessa refused to marry Billy without a proper courtship and proposal. Reva created a shrine to Jeffrey in her living room to celebrate her one-year wedding anniversary. She realized she was losing her mind, and appealed to Josh for help. Josh admitted that he still loved her, but couldn't get sucked back into her problems. Jeffrey and Jonathan tricked Edmund with a Sarah decoy, but Edmund escaped after a gunfire exchange. Jeffrey sent Jonathan to Springfield to check on Reva. After getting an annulment, Shayne attacked Jonathan at Cross Creek. Shayne overheard Jonathan on a call with Jeffrey, but assumed it was Edmund. Mallet worried after overhearing Shayne say that he wanted to be a father that Henry could be proud of. Phillip returned home, and tried to spend time with his family before he revealed his illness. Buzz returned home, still searching for answers about Jenna. Mel baked Cyrus cookies for his birthday, and they unexpectedly made out. With Cyrus' criminal case won, he booked a trip to Australia.
August 24 to 28, 2009
Buzz chased Cyrus and Remy to Australia in search of Jenna's buried treasure. Buzz arrived in time to dig up a box containing a dog tag identical to Cyrus' and a statement from Jenna confirming that her son would have the same dog tag. The three returned home, where Buzz announced that Cyrus was Coop's brother. As Shayne struggled with how to be there for Henry, Mallet decided that he couldn't come between father and son. Mallet left Marina and Henry, and took an overseas job with the agency. Alan tried to bribe Daisy away from James, but James insisted that Alan accept his relationship with Daisy. Phillip spent quality time with Beth, Lizzie, Emma, and Rick, but James refused to oblige, saying that he just didn't like Phillip. Ed contemplated a risky and untested cure for Phillip. Before leaving town, Jonathan forced Reva to see that she had to stop enshrining herself in a house full of Jeffrey's pictures. Vanessa confided in Josh that she wished she'd married Billy. With Olivia's help, Josh slipped an engagement ring into Vanessa's drink while she was on a date with Billy. Vanessa and Billy got engaged when Vanessa found the ring. Olivia appealed to Alan to give Natalia a job. When Rafe enlisted in the Army, Natalia cried on Olivia's doorstep. Olivia said that she'd do anything for Natalia, but only as a friend. Holly arrived in Springfield to visit her daughter, Blake.
August 31 to September 3, 2009
After Phillip collapsed while chasing James's car, Phillip revealed his condition to his family. James discovered that he was a potential match for Ed's experimental bone marrow transplant procedure, but Phillip forbade James to risk his life. Unbeknownst to Phillip, Alan was also a match, and struggled with whether to undergo the procedure. "For my boy, I'll do it," Alan decided. Alan announced it to Phillip, but Phillip refused to go through with it. When Olivia canceled a shopping outing with Natalia for dinner with Matt, Natalia told Olivia that dating other people wouldn't change how they felt about each other. Olivia declined Natalia's invitation to attend her sonogram. After a heart-to-heart talk with a dying Phillip, Olivia attended the appointment, along with Frank. Billy and Vanessa announced their engagement to their friends. Billy asked Reva, his best friend, to be the matron of honor at the wedding. Reva told Josh that she was saving herself one step at a time. Jeffrey distracted Edmund long enough for Jonathan to take Sarah to Springfield. Marina and Shayne told the Coopers and the Lewises that Henry was Shayne's son. Mallet arrived in Germany, and received his assignment. When the bank gave Company thirty days to pay its mortgages, Blake, Ashlee, and Cyrus scrambled to finish Coop's book, and collect the publisher's advance. Doris finally revealed her sexuality to Ashlee. Ashlee hated that her mother had alienated herself from Ashlee instead of explaining the truth.
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September 7 to 11, 2009
Desperate to redeem himself as a father, Alan convinced Phillip to undergo the bone marrow transplant with Alan as the donor. Phillip and Alan said final words to their families before they underwent the procedure. Phillip told Beth that he wanted to be with her, if he survived the surgery. The father and son successfully completed the transplant, and their loved ones greeted them when they awakened. As the Coopers and the Lewises celebrated Henry's first birthday, Mallet encountered Dinah on his way to the Austrian border. Jonathan and Sarah returned to Springfield permanently, and Lizzie reunited with Sarah. Jeffrey fired shots at Edmund, but missed. Jeffrey warned Jonathan that Edmund had set up surveillance on everyone in Springfield. Natalia persuaded Olivia and Emma to move back into the farmhouse. The couple explained to Emma that they wanted to be together, because they loved each other. Doris worried about Ashlee's reaction to the revelation that her mother was gay. Ashlee explained to Doris that Ashlee was hurt that Doris didn't believe Ashlee could handle it, but Ashlee offered to get to know her mother for who she truly was.
September 14 to 18, 2009
On Billy and Vanessa's wedding day, Nola, Bridget, Mindy, and Dylan arrived in town to celebrate. Buzz and Lillian made it a double wedding when Buzz realized he couldn't live without Lillian. At the reception, everyone toasted to Alan's bravery. Phillip asked Beth to marry him. When Phillip went to tell Alan about it, he found Alan nonresponsive on a bench. Rick pronounced Alan dead. The Spauldings held a private funeral, and spread Alan's ashes over the lake. Fletcher arrived to take Alex on an extended trip. Jonathan gave Lizzie joint custody papers, and moved into the house that Cassie had bought for Tammy and him. Rafe left for the Army, and Natalia and Olivia decided to name the unborn baby Francesca, after Frank. Josh announced that he was leaving town, but before he did, he made a date with Reva to meet at the lighthouse in one year, if she were ready to be with him at that time. Edmund eluded Jeffrey once again. Daisy and Ashlee took off for California to attend Berkeley. Christina and Remy discovered that they were pregnant, but unlawfully wedded after failing to file a marriage license. Doris married them in another impromptu ceremony outside the police station. Mindy, Michelle, and Danny moved to Springfield. Ed whisked Holly abroad with him. When Frank and Blake met at the bridge while waiting for their online dates, they figured out that they were each other's dates. One year later, while the residents of Springfield gathered at the baseball field, Dinah and Mallet gallivanted across Europe. Lizzie and Bill expected their first child. Rafe returned home to meet his new little sister. Mindy and Rick celebrated the day before their wedding. Reva met Josh at the lighthouse to say that she was ready to be with him "always." This week marked the end of Guiding Light's storied 72-year history.
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