DAYS' Arianne Zucker on the good, the bad, and the ugly of Nicole and Daniel's relationship

Posted Wednesday, April 15, 2015 3:20:38 PM
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DAYS' Arianne Zucker on the good, the bad, and the ugly of Nicole and Daniel's relationship

Should they, or shouldn't they? That's the question Zucker answers in regard to the journalist's romance with Salem's top doc.

Days of our Lives' Nicole (Arianne Zucker) and Daniel (Shawn Christian) can't seem to get it together as a couple, leaving many wondering if the hot and cold nature of their connection means they shouldn't even be trying in the first place. But what does Zucker herself think about the fledgling pair? Soap Central caught up with the actress and had her spill all the good, bad, and ugly when it comes to whether or not Daniel and Nicole should hook up -- or just give up.

Feeling torn on whether or not Daniel and Nicole would make a hot couple? You're not the only one, as the journalist's portrayer sees both the good and the bad in the almost-but-not pair. "Daniel is sort of that anti-hero," Zucker explains. "He's sort of that Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon. He's got that attractive quality; he's going to do the right thing, and it might be kind of illegal, but he'll still do it if it's the right thing. I think that one, it's very attractive, and two, he has really gone through a lot of sh-t with Nicole and put up with it, and I think she's come to appreciate the fact that he's accepted her honesty... He's like, 'I know that you're going to pull sh-t. I just know it.' But strangely -- and it's kind of like Brady [Eric Martsolf], because Brady is the same with her -- 'But I'm going to accept you for being an a-hole and still be here for you.' And I think she's learning, 'Now wait a minute, you don't have to lie to be with somebody.'"

So far, so good. Except for the little fact that when Nicole starts showing signs of maturity, some fans feel she starts to get a little boring. They'd much rather see the immature, troublemaking Nicole of the past and accuse Daniel of making her a tad too mundane. And therein lies the ugly side of a Daniel/Nicole pairing: He may be too much of a good influence, as crazy as that may sound.

"I would agree with that, and I do miss that flair," Zucker says of her alter ego's previously low maturity level. "I'd love to still have a little of that. Nicole has changed and learned a lot, but [it would be nice to maybe be] the anti-heroine, so I'd still get to say those things that everybody wants to say but can't, and I can still meddle and do things that I'm not going to jail for or that people are going to hate me for -- stealing a baby or something. But I do want that back. I think it would be a lot of fun. Especially as a more seasoned actor. It's been five years since the baby-switch storyline [when Nicole stole Sami's baby]. It's been a long time, and I've had that many more years to hone in on my skills."

What do you think about Daniel and Nicole as a couple? Would you like to see them officially get together? Or do you think Daniel somehow makes Nicole too humdrum? We want to hear from you -- so drop your comments in the Comments section below, tweet about it on Twitter, share it on Facebook, or chat about it on our Message Boards.

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